
To be in love is merely to be in a state of perpetual anesthesia - to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess. - H.L. Mencken

The common concept of survival of the fittest refers to those who are most apt to survive in an environment, whatever environment it is, will deliver its genes to the next generation to ensure that survival is most apt for that generation. After all, The genes of a weakling will only result in extinction, will it not? Hence, this is why all females, humans included, will favor the predominant male who can express its fitness and capability to survive. In most cases, it takes more than just reaching maturity; males must fight or contest for the females. Sometimes it is physical assaults against another male, sometimes it is displaying pretty but pointless visual appeasements to generally show that this male has enough energy to waste on beautiful, useless feathers (as in peacocks). In humans, both are the case; sometimes, males will engage in physical combat, or else present something impressive but useless for survival (clothes, knowledge, excessive amounts of money).
Is it truly more content to become engaged in this reckless affair to advance the species, or is it better to live a calm life disregarding most of this? Well, take this into consideration. The human population contains about 6 billion+ so amounts of people. Not to mention most of them are Asian. Would advancement of the species be necessary? Perchance the only organisms in our animal kingdom that surpass our own population of species are insects, or at least most invertabrates. No doubt we are the most predominant advanced species (from Fish and up) in this world. So tell me, is it really worth becoming coupled and rearing a child when the human population is overflowing? To waste constant energy appeasing to a spouse's or a child's needs, all with the constant dilemma of having an already crowded planet? Human reason should be able to detect this quite quickly. Determine this yourself.
Alas, what a whole 3 hours of doing Review Sheets can do to you. :P



With that said, I feel like talking about PMA right now because I'm talking to him right now. :)
Pokemaster Ash, PMA, PA. As much as hell continue to deny it, he's the most arrogant person I have ever met, and anyone else that knows him will tell you just the same. Nevertheless, he's a good friend, and like all groups of friends, we always need one that almost everyone picks on for fun (no harsh feelings intended; in fact, in return we let PMA beat us up in his fancy without one complaint... RP form of course :P ).
Now as long as I'm talking about PMA here, I might as well be honest about him in every way. He (maybe due to his egotism) tends to blab on and on, despite the fact that some people do not want to listen to what he is talking about, and sometimes this really annoys some people out. For me, I have learned to deal with it, although occasionally I do burst out when I'm angry and yell at him for his faults (no harsh feelings intended PMA, seriously). However, I have known of some who were repulsed by PMA's habits and have grown astray from PMA. Strangely enough, those who grow astray from him also grow astray from most of the ASB Vets community. Shows we're all one in a group eh?
PMA, however, is a nice guy. Sometimes he does come up with interesting conversations, as long as you have something to actually talk about with him. He's a fairly good chess player, and he has drastically improved in his chess skills since the first time I played him. He has beaten Sal2 a couple of times; he still, however, has yet to defeat me, which I find kind of ironic as I'm sure Sal2 by now has beaten me more than I have beaten him. :P
His arrogance and style in the ASB War to always take the spotlight and destroy everyone in his way in one line is represented in Team Baka as Sgt. Bor, who views himself as someone highly but really is just a stupid zombie with bunny ears and causes more harm than good. A fun character to play with, more fun than Sal2's character (since I have to make up typos for his -_-;; ).
On a final note, I really would find it nice to meet PMA in person. I've learned a lot about him from the internet, but I think I don't really know him that well until we've actually met face to face. Perhaps if that day comes, I can really come to understand PMA better as a person than as an egostical freak that the whole ASB Veterans portray him to be. Yea yea, I know PMA's better than that, but after all, without an arrogant nuisance like him, where would the ASB Vets be? You know what, he truly does deserve the title as leader of the ASB Vets. ^-^



Yayee!!! If you've been talking to me for the last past week, you should have some idea how obsessed and crazy I've been over the new manga I got: Negima (Magister Negi Magi). No idea what I'm talking about? Well It's a manga, and this one in particular: http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey/manga/

(Its the first one)
I got the Negima manga in Chinese. The first two volumes actually. ^-^ Still no idea what I'm talking about? Well, you probably don't know me well enough then, as you don't know the definition of Manga. :P In any case. This a wonderful work... not just a piece of "softcore porn" as some people would like to call Ken Atsumasu(sp?)'s works. This time he has 31 girls to characterize and develop, not to mention a genious 9 year old mage. Ok, the story is this: the 9 year old kid named Negima starts on something like an internship at a school in Japan (regular, nonmagic) in order to complete his own teaching of becoming a master wizard/mage/whatever. And then whatever randomness Ken puts in (which he tends to have a lot of) occurs with this kid and his attempt to be a teacher at a private middle/high school.
Yes, relationships will be a bit... strange as this 9 year old kid who hasn't even entered puberty yet is surrounded by girls who are at least 5 years older than him. Currently, it seems to go towards the flow of Sibling relationship, which is perfectly fine for me (Me likes brother/sister relationships :3 ). But ah well. MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS!!:
Negima Springfield- The 9 year old kid reminds me of me when I was younger: quite smart in books, quite stupid in common sense.
Nodoka- Meet the Shinobu with long fringes.
Chao Rinshen- She's Chinese! She's hyper! She has those cute little marks on the cheeks! What isn't there to like about her! :P
Sasaki- A Sakura (from CCS) like character. Actually she reminds me a lot of my sister. (Does gymnastics and acts stupid sometimes. See the similarity?)
Fuka and Fumika- the Chibi Sisters. ChibiChibiChibiChibiChibi....
Asuna's friend that she hangs out with- I didn't quite get her name yet, as I only have the Chinese manga. She's a Tomoyo like character and really funny, in those sidekick sort of ways.

So... yea. Everyone else I still don't know their names yet... except that I can recognize them in Chinese... o well...

Thomas- Notice the statistical plummet in school work accomplished after recieving these useless objects that only appeal to the sense of emotional giddyness in the brain.
Engi- Its called senioritis, my dear superego.
Guai- Shut up all of you! Its not senioritis! It's.... um... a recession from all that work from College Apps and before IB testings!!!! :P


DNA Whoohoo

You are DNA. You're a smart person, and you appear
incredibly complex to people who don't know
you. You're incomparably full of information,
and most of it is useless.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


A Not-So-Random Dedication to Savester2

After seeing my dedication to RO, Sal2... got jealous eh? :P Well Well here's to you my insane friend.
Did I say insane? Yes I did. But not insane in a bad way. More towards imaginative, actually. A fine line between insanity and genius, and here is one right now. Only from what I hear he's also a brute. O.O That last addition makes him scary. On another random note, he lives in the middle of nowhere with corn. A very strange person indeed, (Aliens, anyone?) but likable and a very good friend.
So my physical characteristic of him in ASB Wars is generally a cyborg sort of Nidoking, that can speak human. When he turns Charitan, he suddenly adds Charizard Wings to the back of his figure, but that's really all. When he's in incognito mode, he has a brown trenchcoat and hat; his face is unseeable, though occasionally you can see his glaring and freaky eyes (yellowish or red, determined by his emotion, I suppose).
Enough of his physical attributes, how is him as a character? Well, like I said, he's smart and insane, and thus he also doesn't take up too much for sympathy and niceness. For an intelligent fellow, he is quite honest most of the time, always a good trait to have. Unlike PMA, who is quite honestly very friendly and trustworthy yet not the brightest guy around, he can be quite scary at times if you don't know who he is. He seems to enjoy brute force and that sort of thing (probably due to his physical attributes IRL), whereas I on the other hand enjoy trickery and the small yet smart little kid that manages to beat everyone up. Other than that small difference (and everything else tha tgoes into the category of violence and taking over the world), I'd say we're quite similar.
He is as well a very keen Chess player, and I will acknowledge that he is most likely better than I am. Strangely enough, he has the worst luck with PMA... In any case. He enjoys a slow a torturous death rather than a quick victory, and probably it is there which leaves him a weakness to PMA continously lucking out on him. Or it is probably because he values his pieces so much that he usually is unwilling to sacrifice? Or maybe he just underestimates PMA.
Well that's all I can say, other than a interesting little fact that we both have a card that we can blackmail each other in, and hence we say nothing about it. :)

EDIT: A few more things: He plays Moliere in Team baka, a really insane genius that loves bunnies and has horrible spelling, just like him talking to me over IM... HORRIBLE spelling. :) Also, one last note of him is that he indeed has a good sense of humor and I appreciate him because of that. He is very funny. :)


A Random Dedication to RiOrius

In utter boredom and in spite of the many things I should be doing instead, I will write up my opinions of this friend who will be attending Harvey Mudd next year, so hopefully I can meet up with him next year. :3
Ok, physical features and personality. Alright, actually I never met the guy so I can't give you the actual physical description, but here is an idea of my perspective in most RPGs. First of all, he's always wearing a cloak. A brown cloak at that. His face is very.... anime-ish. I haven't quite gotten his facial features nor his hairstyle made out, but I think his hair was either Black or Yellow. *shrug*
His Personality is one that I can relate to. Intelligent, good sense of humor, and a bit of arrogance, quite the person to talk to, when he talks. He is a quiet one, only talking when necessary, whereas I continuously blab and make up a conversation at any time. He does respond when he is here, however, and in this aspect he is better than PJBW. He also has expertise in physics, another aspect that is different from mine (I much prefer biology). However, aside from that, we can relate to each other quite a bit (there are also a bunch of movies such as Matrix and LotR which I have no interest in, but that is but a minor concern).
A Magic: The Gathering player was he when I first met him. It was quite fascinating incorporating M:TG into the ASB War and I was soon to be his only accomplice/rival in the RPG using those cards, though a majority of my cards remained on Counterspells as I prefer annoyance over an offensive. This sort of (not really, actually) leads up to him as a chess player, and a really good one at that. I dare say his skills are much better than mine, though not entirely without flaws. However, just as in physics, his moves are precise and calculated; he can see through any escape as long it is within several pieces; its when 7 of his pieces of his good pieces are being threatened that he begins erring at some area, occasionally costing his queen. But overall, very good evasive skills and can frustrate the opponent to a great extent.
He is portrayed as Dr. Roi in some random RPG I'm doing right now (http://teambaka.blogspot.com), appropriately as an expert physicist, just as Thomas is an expert biologist (supposedly specializing in Neurology).


Sal2's amazing ability to have a conversation with an autoresponse

It says Autoresponse from numberonemole for some reason. Anyway, this is from an away messege I put up.

Numberonemole: Wanna Chess?

Auto response from Numberonemole:

Numberonemole: I'm all alone, and all you can say is ``
Numberonemole: Damn you auto responce, have you no feelings?
Numberonemole: What is it like being an auto-responce? Do you ever meet anyone new, or do you just sit their and do you little programmed thingy?
Numberonemole: Ahh..silence..like the true auto-responce you are
Numberonemole: But, I SHALL BREAK YOU!!!
Numberonemole: You shall soon fear me!!!
Numberonemole: Ah..still silent.. I respect that...but you shall break..they all break at one point or another
Numberonemole: Hmm...still silent..I respect you, Mr.Auto-responce

Auto response from Numberonemole:

Numberonemole: AHH..SO YOU CAN TALK!!!
Numberonemole: YOU ARE WEAK!!!
Numberonemole: Hmm...you keep frusterating and frusterating me...I may have found my equal...no..no..I SHALL DESTREOY YOU
Numberonemole: Bow
Numberonemole: Fine..you have beaten me..I quit...you are by better..*bows before auto-responce thingy*
Numberonemole: What is thy bidding my master?
Numberonemole: *shudders* Yes master..I shall be like you
Numberonemole: " "
Numberonemole: " "
Numberonemole: " "

Auto response from Numberonemole:

Numberonemole: Yes master " "
Numberonemole: " "
Numberonemole: " "

Auto response from Numberonemole:

Numberonemole: " "
Numberonemole: Good bye master...ALL HAIL AUTO-RESPONCE!!

Auto response from Numberonemole: