JBuilder vs. Netbeans
I emailed one of my advisors about information in Java programming, in comparing JBuilder vs. Netbeans. I just wanted a rather simple answer on why we were using Netbeans and JBuilder.
My advisor, in 15 minutes, sent back a 35 page technical report on the comparison between JBuilder and Netbeans.
Shugo Chara (Unfinished)
Goddammit the blog address for this word is taken by some random guy named Moe.
"Moeology: Study of the components, influences, and significance of Moe."
I want to have subcategories!
Makoto's Instant Cancel.
I have a presentation tomorrow.
I have to wake up at 6:30 AM.
I already learned how to use Makoto's FM as an antiair. My next goal is to end every round in arcade mode either with a *GRAAAAAAWRGH* super or a *GRAAAAAAWRGH* IC.
Blog Gendering and Sal2ing
"We guess http://enigmatic-cube.blogspot.com/ is written by a man (54%), however it's quite gender neutral."
Wrong its written by an inanimate object!!
And for anyone who ever wondered what Sal2 looked like:
This is pretty nice.
15 random things
"Once you've been tagged you have to write a [note] with 15 weird/random facts about you. At the end you choose 15 people to tag."
1. I'm always seen wearing long pants of some sort. Whether it be jeans or slacks or whatnot.
2. I think better when I pace.
3. I'm much more hardcore otaku than I tend to want to be. If had no self-control I'd be 110% hikikomori.
4. My moe is medium wavey hair and elbow gloves. :(
5. I can forget what I was doing in less than 2 seconds.
6. I'm not as intelligent as I appear to be to people. My image seems to give out that feeling though.
7. I'm not as emotionally inert as I appear to be to people.
8. I tend to not care about things not concerning me, but I will tend to listen to them, even if I don't appear to be listening.
9. I think up random story/plot ideas almost involuntarily. However because I prioritize school over other hobbies I usually never build on them, although someday I wish I will build on them.
10. I prioritize my studies over almost everything else, but really admire those who have other hobbies that they prioritize over their schoolwork.
11. I'm actually more organized than people give me credit for. But things tend to go wrong anyway. :V
12. I like stupid-looking birds. Like pigeons, ducks, and chickens. :V
13. Similar to how I like coming up with plot and ideas, I like coming up with different mathematical sequences and structures. Sadly this is wasted on trivial things like making combos in EFZ or stat builds in Ragnarok Online.
14. I am generally bad at reading any forms of text more than 3 lines long. Beyond that, if I'm actually interested I will probably read only like 70% of the words most of the time, while it is significantly less if I'm NOT interested in the subject. Even in math I am terrible in interpreting symbols; its only when I can visualize what's going on that then I would understand it.
tl;dr I can't read.
15. I watch nico videos, read anime related stuff, and facebook while I am working as a technician in my lab. And I should really stop doing that.
Election Day
I discussed this with a few of my friends already, since the whole voting propaganda was EVERYWHERE so you couldn't avoid one or two conversations with it. My main reason for voting is....stupid people.
As I stated earlier, I'm not too concerned for the outcome of the elections and hold no real favors as to whether I'm democrat or republican. (Actually if it ever had the chance I'd vote Green Party) But once in a while I go in and read people's arguments. It could have been anyone's argument from either side. I read them and I OTL. I can't stand the amount of ferventness they have when they know so little about the subject, researched so little on the other side yet condemning them so much. This person was my one reason to vote. I had to cancel out at least this person's ferventness, make at least one stupid person's vote neutralized. I cannot say I did any more than that.
There you go already. I voted, not because of patriotism, not because I favor a particular party, not because I think my vote will do any better, not because of the chickens (although that proposition WAS quite amusing to me), but because of stupid people.
...My god, stupid people, I wish you guys would stop voting so I don't have to counteract... *sigh*. Yes, Americans, let the stupid people vote to keep me voting.
No hard feelings to that person, just the timing that he IMs is AMAZINGLY annoying. I mean, he must seriously be watching me somewhere and timing when he decides to IM me just so I can purposely screw up on some sort of game. :V
That aside, I have to stop trying to RG through youmu's super dash-slash attack. OMG playing so many Mais has had me conditioned to doing that. :V
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
When looking at this anime from an objective view, I can't say it's that great. The storyline, while better than the typical harem anime (I'm really happy that the main girl and guy gets matched up immediately... AND STAY MATCHED UP) is really quite mediocre. There are things that are quite obvious in what will happen so nothing is really that new... still... in the present anime world where tsunderes dominate, to have a sweet deredere rich girl to play the main role this time... it's pure awesomeness. To top it off, her character design is one that I find incredibly attractive so I can't say any more than "It's my moe fantasy." A world where everything goes according to plan, practically... you get a rich, prostegious, intelligent, innocent, otaku girl falling for you.
...You can't get ANY further from reality than this.
Anyway, as I've already stated, the art design for this anime is SPECTACULARLY MOE. It's the addictive drug that drives my main ambition to watch anime (in contrast to say a live action movie). The music is pretty fun too, although similar to the plot: cute, yet not great. Without a doubt, the strongest point of this anime is the sheer cuteness in the artwork, and I HIGHLY suggest people who like stuff just because of the moe anime design, and pretty much solely for the anime design, to watch it. And I HIGHLY suggest anyone who doesn't like anime just for its artwork and is looking for something with substance, to avoid it.
...consequently I think the other girls in this show aren't as good, which is pretty unusual. I MEAN THE MAIN CHARACTER IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER HOW WEIRD IS THAT--Well, Haruka is unique in that way (in these types of anime these days) so that's why I like it.
Well, there's ONE other character that I liked... it was one of the friends of the little sister who I thought was also incredibly moe but she played a very small role in the anime... hmm... I wonder if the manga is better... *checks it out*
Understandably there have been rants in this blog that have dealt with errors, confidence, and other extraneous material relating to reasons why a test score would be lower than it appeared to have been. In particular the mere concept of arithmetic errors seems to be one of the most influential and annoying reasons a test score may be lowered. At first, this seems trivial. After all, why mark a student down when he forgets to put a minus sign instead of a plus sign in the very last equation of his problem, making him off by only a small amount? It would seem unfair...
However, if relating to the problems addressed in real life, perfection, in all sorts, is desperately needed to avoid serious errors. Relating to experiences in lab, perhaps one small miscalculation doesn't seem much in one part of the experiment, but if in the end it causes a large variation in your data, rendering it unusable, that "small" calculation isn't looking so small either. There are other stories people have constantly noted, such as the collapse of a bridge because of a misestimation, computer programs misfunctioning, etc... the list goes on. Therefore getting marked down is quite an accurate representation of the types of problems one can encounter in real life.
It's always particularly difficult,though, when you have so many lines and lines of equations to calculate and you err in one line. In general one always feels that for the most part it seems alright and doesn't need to be redone. Even if one tries to redo it, they will likely just follow their own equations and say "yes that makes sense" although if they truly look into it, it doesn't make sense. Its a sense of confidence that is unneeded. And I believe I had in the past mentioned something on confidence and how it makes people err more (well, actually maybe that's just me). And I think if I continue talking like this I'll be getting nowhere so I'm going to cut this short now.
In general, from any reasonable perspective, this is complete BS.
Ideas or even discoveries that are patented just because someone submitted it to the patent office is the stupidest concept I've ever seen before. Ideas are just concepts floating around that can be used and thought up by anyone and everyone; there's no such thing as "I thought this up first" or "this is my idea", because ideas take little more than a few burning mitochondrias in your head think up. Its the people who happened to put their ideas into practicality and make some sort of invention or publication... that end result is what ends up getting any profit, if at all. But the idea behind that creation... anyone can take that and make something else from it. Even if its rather similar to your new invention, as long as it isn't blatantly copied that you can actually SUE them for copyright issues, there's nothing stopping them from using any idea and not giving you any credit for it.
(Although people try to sue others for stealing their ideas...)
Credit would be nice, but its a privledge, not a right. It would be nice if people said "Thanks ____ for the idea!" But that rarely happens. No, people will usually just take the idea as their own, implement it, and display it blatantly even in front of the original person who may have thought it up. But wait, maybe that person who originally thought it up might have built his ideas off of other people's ideas. Still, maybe he'll get angry about it and try to complain to the person who made the idea. For a person who came up with this great idea, this is pretty stupid.
All people may see an idea and think "that's awesome! I wonder what I can do with it." Credit or not, this is quite fine; in fact, its people's desire to mix and match and come up with new things that keeps this world going, whether it be in science, technology, or in arts. But maybe it's human nature that people will get angry if they see their idea being used and doing well, but they don't get any credit for it. Its too bad, people (especially those intelligent enough to come up with these ideas) should realize that they should just be grateful that their ideas are being put to good use, and don't think much else about it.
I'm not here to attack all the complainers of those who had their ideas stolen.
I just felt that, sometimes, I have things I came up with, and people wouldn't say much about it and use it. Even though its not important and not really significant to me, I can't help feeling a bit bothered by it. I think I still need some time to mature. (Many people would agree.)
By the way I'm not saying that if you have an idea that revolutionizes the world that if someone else plucks it off you and gets all the credit, you should be happy about it. But it should be enough motivation to work as fast as you can to make your own creation from your own idea before someone else does, and take whatever credit you want from it. Money, fame, your name on a company.
It also tells you that keeping quiet can be beneficial at times.
Well, my issue at hand has more to do with the actual concept coming into being but the others taking it anyway, and I didn't really put a name on it (or rather, don't know how to) so it really IS a situation I can't do much about.
Hmmm. I have a feeling that my rants have this "trying to be objective and apathetic but sort of showing more emotion than desired" type of voice. But at least stating this out is good for general relief. Now I can get back to doing my work. Maybe. :V
Lucky Star OVA
Raven and his overheads
ARG ARG GARG Raven and his damn unpredictable overheads ARG. I can only be consulted by the fact that I beat him in some games. sure, 1 in 10 games, but still. :V

...was never moe until SWR came out. THANK YOU SWR
EDIT: As a side note I REALLY need to stop going to #swr. My sleep schedule is already screwed, I don't need more SWR battles to deprive me of any form of rest possible...
Magic Battle Arena
This game is very pretty. :V And memory-consuming. Its quite fun actually, albeit simple as some have already stated. Aside from the fancy graphics the gameplay is rather easy to understand (in spite of the 9 buttons I have to remember). Loading takes a HELL of a long time considering it takes more than twice the amount of time needed to load the game than the time they give you per round to finish (wtf only 200 seconds which it takes like 10 minutes to load the round)...blame the fancy graphics. I totally love their conceptual idea though. Needs Moetan. Needs Shugo Chara. Needs EFZ Sayuri. NEEDS MAGICAL CELL PLASMA B-CHAN...
KOTORI IS THE MAIN CHARACTER~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In related news, now that I have a job I am less hesitant to buy the translated game as soon as it comes out in October. WakuWaku, I can't wait :3
(except I'll be having exams at about the same time so this might suck)
Just a few moments ago one of the new members of my lab posed a simple question to me regarding the Hudson-Huxley equation which soon proved to be a devastating blow to my pride and confidence. Even though I had a vague idea of what the HH equation was all about (and pretty much told much of what I knew about it), she wanted a much simpler answer, one that established HOW Hudson and Huxley came up with the equation and essentially the basis of neuroscience which stood behind it. After struggling for a good amount of time another lab member revealed the answer to me: "V=IR".
Although the question posed was simple and seemingly trivial, it felt almost as bad (possibly worse) than getting a low test grade. Even if I got a low test grade, I can somewhat redeem myself by scoring better later in the course; I cannot redeem myself for this. It exemplified the difference between "knowing" and more properly "UNDERSTANDING" the material, a difference between an average person and a genius. The fact that I could not figure out what she talked about even with all the hints she provided proves, in my mind, that I am a much bigger idiot than I thought I was. And I'm sure she thinks so now too. This however is more trivial.
Although perhaps I am concerned of her perception of me. I don't want her to regard me as a genius but the fact that I couldn't figure out her simple question now makes me think that she regards me as possessing less potential intelligence than what she thought of before. In reality this should be of no concern, though of course it is human nature to want to have a good image of their self to others.
The aspect of having nothing that I can do about it is perhaps what's most devastating to me. I cannot redeem myself in any way from this small err I made. I am not only a biologist in a neuroscience lab but a biomedical engineer, who has been taught to remember "V=IR" ever since BME 101, where the teacher said, "if you drop BME and never want to take another engineering course again, you should at least remember V=IR". I felt that, though I am graduating this semester, I have failed. I have failed to grasp 4 years of engineering studies, thinking it is more like a fun game with interesting math problems than an aspect of innovation that can be applied to reality and promote a better state of living. In truth I had somewhat of an idea that I'm not quite applying engineering courses as much as I should be, since I could never really see the big picture: I only saw the math problems behind them, and solved them. I never thought "this is the problem I encounter when I make something like this". I only saw "there is a math problem. Let me solve it."
Not only that, I have failed in the biology aspect of the world as well. I have delved too deeply into understanding so much of the specifics that I forgotten that we need to look at the overall picture. One of my undergraduate labmates made a collage (he's part art major) based on such an idea that everyone looks so much about the small details that when they suddenly realize they should step back and see what they've done... it's a mess. It's like that. I look into my brain searching for answers and there's a bunch of answers, but they're all junk. They're all obscuring the true answer, the simple equation that established many different aspects of reality in many different fields.
There was no use sulking about this for a long period of time and this is partly why I wrote this up. While I'm not particularly happy this blog somewhat public, its a good enough place to write about it. I don't know what else I can do about what happened... I want to talk to the person who posed the question to me again but due to my poor conversation skills I wouldn't know what to say.
But maybe, I can try. In all cases even in a defeat like that I'll still have to get back up and do better. I already acknowledge I'm not some sort of genius. I'm not as smart as I appear to be. But I want to try, and that's mostly what my motivation for going through school and education is all about. This failure is devastating to me, yet essential and necessary for me to understand, since failure is the only way I truly learn. I hope to do better from now on, and never forget the simple things again. Such as V=IR.
School Days
There are of course others who are not particularly logically yandere. I think these yandere are more scary in that aspect, yet just like how horror fascinates people, I still find them rather particular. Ryoko from Haruhi is a different kind of yandere, one I call a "calm, smiling" yandere. In a way her relation to her victims sort of is like a human to a mouse in a science experiment, unable to fully relate to their subject. While on one hand this seems cruel, on another (especially since I'm going into a science field where this is often seen everyday) it's sort of a "that's how it is, it can't be helped" attitude. Other yandere, especially Kaede from Shuffle, can be rather scary. Kaede (although it could be attributed to her young age) had a less noble reason for killing and stems more from "I need someone to blame" than for a true reason. This is a scary yandere.
But I digress. Aside from the characters and plot, the music varies. The ending changes from episode to episode, and I liked some of them and didn't like so much some of the others. The opening wasn't that great either. The main thing the show had going was the art, which was near CG quality. I find the character designs quite beautiful and even more so by the fact that the most moe character turns yandere at the end...:V
"Nice Boat."- I couldn't figure out what this had to do with the anime at first. I mean, sure there's a boat near the end of the show but so what? I found out using wikipedia that it was some 4chan comment turned meme and eventually became crazy popular for whatever reason. Something about people being angry at the series and the guy just randomly pops in and says "Nice Boat". Oh well. 4chan, you don't expect logic in that. :V
Additional Comments: I finished Tokimeki Memorial Only Love before School Days, which is a decent anime except for the emo parts (like all these series). Now I'm watching To Heart 2. Kind of like To Heart 1, kind of boring, but there's no emoing at least. But it feels awkward watching it after School Days. Kind of like "I wonder if Konomi will pull out a knife now and go on a killing spree" awkward.
Sigh. More Schoolgirl/harem anime should end like School Days. :(
Legend of Mana (SD4), Seiken Densetsu 3
In actuality I had started Legend of Mana a while ago (about 5 years ago, when I was still in high school) yet never finished it because I was told the game copy I had (which was an illegal CD >.> ) had some bug where if I beat the game it would freeze. Not liking that, I never beat the game. Eventually I lost my memory card as well and I stopped playing Legend of Mana (along with some other PS games). During this summer I had the random idea to try Legend of Mana again but I remembered I thought it was an awesome game. And I still think its an awesome game. Legend of Mana encourages a large amount of creativity and innovation while still setting enough rules for the game to work (a game without rules isn't fun, and rules are sometimes where creativity can stem from as well). The gameplay isn't hard at all so the player doesn't necessarily have to focus on levelling to beat the boss but instead on other more interesting aspects of the game. (There is actually a nico video of an example where a person didn't level at all - by not collecting EXP crystals - and yet beat the game in "No Future" mode where all monsters and bosses were level 99... it was really amusing). Of these aspects there are pet raising, golem making, instrument (magic) making, weapon/armor tempering, skill learning, and quests in general for the player to go through. IMO each aspect in itself can be a "game" of sorts and the player can decide which one he wants to do in the game. I've tried my share in working all of these except the golem making and found it very entertaining.
-Pet raising is fun in that you grow fruit and then feed them to pets and their stats and personality change. It's quite amusing to see how your pet acts in the battlefield due to their personality and watch stats rise rediculously high as you feed them delicious foods with fun names.
-Instrument Making I haven't looked into significantly especially since there's no real FAQ guide on it, although the concept is simple enough. I just created strong enough magic instruments for me to use in the game.
-Tempering can be very entertaining, yet extremely complicated. The FAQs liken it to chemical reactions and this is what insterested me. First off, you can temper almost ANYTHING you get into a weapon or armor. This includes the fruit you grow in your backyard or the random (and seemingly useless) items you win in battles. and of course these things have effects that can modify your weapon and armor. These effects, like the FAQ says, can work similar to compounds in a chemical reaction; there are even things like catalysts to get over an energy barrier and reach another level, and cards/compounds which won't work if combined with other things. It can be dangerous as well, since it can lower the effectiveness of your tempering item. Finally it can also be a good way to earn money since some things you compound will be worth more after you temper some things together. Overall I never became an expert on this and worked on it only for one night, but it was really fun and I made some spiffy weapon that OHKOs monsters with one arrow shot and OHKOs bosses with one special.
In sort, I had much too much fun with tempering. :V
-Skill Learning isn't as complicated but it also isn't just "level up, learn a new skill". There are some basic skills set that one can use and depending on the combination of basic skills one can learn new skills and even some new special techniques with the weapon they're using. This isn't very complicated but each skill does somethign different in battle so its fun to play around with a bunch of moves and set up a character that works for the player. There's even a way to load other characters from the memory card and battle them... that's actually quite fun if I had more players to play LoM with. Well, my sister is playing but it will be hard to play her since she's still pretty new and it would be rather unfair if I battled her in the arena. :P
-And of course, quests to make the story interesting. There's no linear plotline but there's three main stories one has to get through in order to activate the final quests in the game. I only got through one of the stories in my most recent trial and remembered getting through another a long time ago, but there was one more I haven't finished so I'll be getting through that one soon. Overall in terms of the characters its probably without a doubt that Pearl is the most moe character in LoM (with main character debatable but I used the less-moe character so I dunno :V). This is especially because about 70% of the characters are some animal hybrid (ie, furry) and of the other 30% only Pearl acts rather cutely in compared to the others...well... Diana could probably be moe too.
Actually, I take that back. Pearl is the most humanlike moe character, but characters like Elle (a siren) and Flameshe (a mermaid) are very moe too. But you can't get Flameshe as a partner and Elle can only use magic, which is cool but rather limited. Well. If you use Pearl she can't do crap until she turns into another character, which then she's not moe, HOWEVER IF YOU'RE USING PEARL YOU CAN COMBO YOUR CROUCHES AND I FIND THIS ENTERTAINING FOR WHATEVER REASON.
AAAB236BXY- long chain combo for any usual character. For Pearl it gets you like 5-6 crouches in a row. Why do this? I dunno, but it sure is entertaining. :V
Seiken Densetsu 3.
I found this game remarkably cheesey and rather lame compared to the ratings it gets, but perhaps it was innovative and new at the time. Obviously with the whole stat raising and real time action gameplay it gives it plays a lot like RO so I never had that much trouble playing the game. Despite what others may say I don't think the difficulty of the game is that high if you're playing normally- I died about 2 times because I did some stupid stuff but otherwise it seemed pretty easy. Although my game style is to level quite some levels before playing the boss and I also had a healer so it might have been that I just had a really easy team to use. Maybe its a bit annoying in that I didn't know what to do sometimes so I had to use the guide (where it tells me something stupid, usually, but not as bad as when I'm lost in LoM. Geez like 3 times when I got stuck and had no idea how to continue the quest even though it seemed like I went everywhere it told me "go home and... etc" and I'm like "wtf" and I go home and boom the quest continues and I feel dumb). The storylines... could be better. Final Fantasy storylines definitely make SD3's storylines seem rather lame, especially since plot is so predictable... even if there ARE different stories for different characters... but oh well. I got through the game anyway.
So WHY did I play this game in the first place, then, if I didn't find much interest in it? It's because of RIESZ. The ONLY thing you'll probably find if you search for SD3 fanart is pictures of Riesz, who for whatever reason is made to be incredibly moe. Not that she wasn't moe in the game, but perhaps because she's the best looking and has the best personality out of the three girls (one is a loli, the other is... a term I prefer not to use, but let's just say she's good with the opposite gender). SO ESSENTIALLY, because she's everywhere whenever SD3 is mentioned I decided to play the game just so I know her story and know what's going on, and so when I go look at SD3 fanart I don't feel guilty for not knowing who she is and can fully appreciate the art, so to speak.
Afterwards I tried Xenogears but I couldn't get it to work (gets stuck in the world map) so I gave up and decided to end my gaming for the summer (with the exception of replaying some LoM at times). But OMG RIESZ IS SO MOE WHYYYYY. :(
Moe Ranking
Please rate the following with 1~10points for moeness and comment~
(Low~Medium~HIgh →1~5~10 )
Please use 2D as the basis of moeness. Optional: If you want to state difference between moeness in 2D and IRL
Feel free to add categories that you think are moe.
●Uniform (制服) : 7
Perhaps its more or less a concept of exoticness since in America public school students are allowed to wear whatever they want, that the moeness of school uniforms comes into being. Whatever the case school uniforms seem to be cute, most of the time. Though admittedly there are some designs which are questionable.
●Beast transformation (獸人化):4
Not a fan of catgirls or doggirls or any mammalian creature hybrid of a female human myself, however I like the concept of angels or bird-girl hybrids. The flashy wings and floating feathers must do something.
●Glasses (眼鏡) : 1
On a personal preference I strongly dislike girls with glasses, with very few exceptions (these exceptions are not characters that are my favorite in the series, either). Not that I think that they are flat out ugly but something about it makes me think they're not cute. Perhaps since I wore glasses ever since I was really young there's some indication of "that looks too much like me" in it?
Although, I think guys in anime wearing glasses is pretty cool. :V Generally what I don't like to see on girls I like to see on guy characters.
●Tsundere (ツンデレ) : 4
Generally speaking I'm not a fan of tsundere and would have given it a lower ranking had there not been some especially good tsundere characters lately (*coughClannadandLuckyStarcough*). In a way you could say I'm "tsundere against tsundere" seeing how I usually deny the moeness of tsundere but became recently more attracted to some from a few of those series.
Its very specific, however. The tsunderes I typically like are not the super loud and act-before-you-think kind, but more like those who are usually quiet or talk quite intelligently and can win you in a debate if you attempted to argue with them. Since most tsunderes seem to enjoy fighting over talking, this eliminates most tsunderes off the list.
The definition of tsundere has changed remarkably so in the last couple of years, I believe.
●Bad Guy (悪人) : 3
Very unlikely that I would like the bad guys (or girls) in a series, unless they're not truly "bad" which wouldn't make them bad guys/girls in the first place. I do think conversion of good to bad can be interesting sometimes, though.
●Maid (メイド) : 8
This is similar to schoolgirl outfit in that, because I probably don't see it often, I find it more foriegn and exotic, thus more cute. Elegance and courtesy is also a plus, including when characters speak to you so politely when its very obvious they're angry at you... I dunno why that is cute. :P
●To be looked down upon(見下される) : 1
This sounds sort of masochistic. :V WELL if the guy is incredibly stupid then maybe he deserves to be looked down upon, but generally speaking I like speaking to people on the same level. Arrogance is usually not a good trait. Except in Code Geass, where the guy I believe is truly smart enough to be arrogant.
I guess in that sense if the girl is smart enough and acts well enough then having her look down isn't a negative trait but generally if that girl is smart enough she'll be smart enough to know how to act like she's NOT looking down at you, so she can take advantage of you. :V
●Cross dressing/Unisex dressed(中性的容姿) : 4
GOOD traps are so good that in the social definition I would still classify them as girls. However you have to do a SERIOUSLY GOOD JOB (in both anime or in real life) for me to think that way. Likewise, reverse traps that are so good that they look like guys, I will classify them as guys and won't even consider them as moe.
●Blond hair with Green eyes(金髮碧眼) :7
Yes I think that would work. :V
●Small body: 8
Overall, cuter than a big body. But highly dependent on hairstyle and personality. There have been times where I admire an older onee-san like character over a more loli-ish character because of character design and personality.
●Useless guy (ダメ男):4
...Or girl? If it's something like a hikikomori girl then it signifies dependence on another, which may be cute. This sadly contradicts almost what I said with the "being look down upon" situation but I think that's mostly human nature. Maybe wanting to be depended upon is a trait naturally wanted?
●Old man/Ojisama(おじ様):1
Mostly apathetic. Can be smart at times. Not really meant for a Moe ranking and should rather be (N/A). Old Women are not attractive however.
●Loli/Shota(ロリショタ ) : 7
Falls under same category as Small Body. Except Shota is doubtful. Can be cute at times though.
●The Quiet Type (無口系): 7
A good personality to have. However, it must be *blush*/timid/shy quiet over no-emotion quiet. I am not a general fan of no-emotion quiet characters, even if they're meant for character development to have some. Also, I don't like quiet characters that wear glasses, its like it augments the un-moeness. :V
●Good job~!: 6
For symbolic interpretation I will classify those as the cheery, excited happy types (usually sporty too). Again its a personality trait that's dependent on character appearance and the type of cheeriness they possess. But generally optimism is a good thing, right?
BTW Where is the mention of hairstyle?!? The only mention is like blond hair which is cool but doesn't talk about hair length... Hair length and style is quite important in moeness as the same character with long hair can be dramatically more cuter than a character with short hair. :V
EDIT: Making a few edits.
Ramblings on a Cell Phone
"Perfection can be described in the form of a graph; the x axis is effort, the y axis is achievement. For some, the graph is linear; for some, it is exponential, and others it is horizontal. For myself, it is logarithmic; perfection can never be obtained, but the more I try, the closer I can get to that horizontal asymptote."
"What's a worse feeling? Having something important to do, but not doing it and feeling guilty, or having nothing to do, but feel like you should have something to do and feeling guilty?"
"Mirror neurons and AI. If humanlike AI is to exist, we must learn to mimic mirror neurons. In other words, make a computer 'understand' other people. Perhaps it is easier to start with humans >> computers. Would it be better to remove mirror neurons, or improve super neurons. But first, there are other technicalities to worry about."
A common, friendly and effective method of initiating conversation.
TheMysteriousBox (19:55:57): you're really slacking off.
TheMysteriousBox (19:56:30): you should be working!
ProfJbWolf II (19:56:31): Jesus Christ, I work night shift
TheMysteriousBox (19:56:38): oh you changed?
ProfJbWolf II (19:56:38): After fucking night shift and yous ay I'm slacking off!?
TheMysteriousBox (19:56:55): but you were online 5 times in a row! it was a miracle!
ProfJbWolf II (19:57:02): HOW iS THAT A MIRACLE!?
TheMysteriousBox (19:57:10): because before I'd never see you online!
Mach's Radio
What is this feeling! It is a "this anime episode was so worthy that I cannot dare soil my eyes with any other anime at the moment" feeling! Gah!!!
So btw did I ever mention that Aria is a great series. :V
-Epic Pre-Con Registration Adventure: Seeing how the years before waiting in line for registration has been seen almost as an event for AX in itself, it was critical that I had get the badges asap without waiting in line too long. Originally I had thought it was going to be easy but then I realized that the registration times on the day before AX (3-8PM) severely conflicted with my summer class times (4-7). It was a difficult decision but I decided to make a run for the con at the very last hour in hopes that the line wouldn't be too long by the time I get there and miss the chance for registration (my class and parent's house is like, a 30 minute drive without traffic to LACC). Luckily, there was no traffic.
However, it seemed that all of that was not necessary since registration was ridiculously organized this year and I got my badge (and my sister's) in less than 2 minutes. It was so surprising that even the volunteer organizers were confused. ("Sir, you can't just go the computers you have to wait in li--*checks, sees there's no line* eer, go ahead.") I was so dumbfounded that I felt it would be a waste to have come over here and only spend 5 minutes at the con then go back, so I decided to explore a bit and figure out where everything was.
Finding the Nokia theater took 3 times as long as getting registered.
-Parking: 12 dollars per entry, no re-entry. It almost seemed like I was paying for a hotel stay (with roommates of course) with just the damn parking cost alone. Probably, with all 4 days + reentry due to lunch + pre-registration, parking costed me about 84$.
...where has all my money for anime gone...
Well, at least they accepted ATM card. :V
-Thursday, Shokotan Panel: I woke up a bit late due to jet lag (11 AM) and had to turn in something to my school, then I went to the convention. Checked out console gaming room, didn't find anything that interested me, met up with high school friend, wandered around like idiots with nothing to do (because we really had nothing to do) until the Shokotan panel, which proved to be really interesting and funny.
Overall lesson: Shokotan is a fetishist.
The panel ran overtime, and since I had a class to catch at 4 PM I was a bit panicking by the time I ran out of the panel. Traffic, as expected, was terrible at the time and I ended up into class 30 minutes late. Oh well, being tardy was worth seeing Shokotan doing her famous Bruce Lee impressions. :V
I was thinking of coming back to the convention center but stupid 12 dollar parking + my sister was tired and wanted to go straight to my apartment convinced me the panel "Anime in China" was not worth it.
-Friday Morning- Mostly spent in line for tickets we could have gotten easily even if we didn't stay in line. I let my sister go browse the Artist Alley while I stayed in line watching people spam like 4chan on DS Picochat. Lines. The only time when DS Picochat is actually useful. Or used at all. After we got tickets we went to the exibit hall and bought random 5 dollar manga that we can read when we went to the concert
-Jyunkai/Yoko Ishida Concert- They had cool music videos before the concert started! So many recent anime music that I recognized! I thought that was cool. Anyway the concert was good and significantly LONGER than the other concerts at AX, which I thought was neat. The one thing I was disappionted in is that AX didn't let the idols use the entire stage (the stage curtains were closed all the time) however the music and presence of the idol was more than satisfactory. Yoko Ishida mostly did a 10 minute combined version of her previous concert, along with some random Para Para dancing songs of popular anime theme songs. Jyunkai sung the Fate/Stay Night ED of course and a bunch of other songs (mostly from Ah! My Goddess). Overall Jyunkai's voice is very melodic and "rich", so her music always seems deeply moving. I also think her sense of fashion is really good, even though she herself is pretty nice but not awesome, so to speak.
My sister also really liked Jyunkai. She is now a Jyunkai-fan. :V
-Afternoon crap: Ate Orochan Ramen for lunch because everything else was closed. Went to the exhibit hall afterwards. Tried to look for nekomimi headbands but we reasoned that all of them were way too expensive and ended up not buying any. So my sister's costume wasn't quite complete but its ok. I think.
-SWR: At one booth in the exhibit hall one of the vendors was playing against a CPU in SWR, so I asked him if I could play. He at first stated that he'd let me play but he wouldn't play me himself since he thinks he sucks, but then another girl came up (dressed up as Alice! :O) and said she wanted to play! So we started! And the first thing we found out is we have no idea what the controls were! I was already not used to using a controller so that in a way was already a handicap, but we spent two fail battles and a good amount of time in config trying to make our controls work. After getting the controls right, I used Alice to beat her Reimu. Alice-chan was beaten by Alice...There's something ironic about that :V Anyway, other people wanted to play so I let another guy play and etc etc etc exhibit hall closes and we were kicked out. But not before getting Alice (and Marisa) cosplay picture on my sister's small crappy cell phone (YES WE FORGOT A CAMERA ORZ).
-Evening?: We didn't have much to do until the Circus panel I had to attend so we decided to goto the manga cafe and read a couple manga. After reading a couple manga and freezing to death we decided to go outside and defrost. At that point some random (professional? he looks professional) photographer was like "OMG that's an awesome pose let me take a picture of you" to my sister. Then we ate lunchables and watched fireworks partially covered by a tent-parking lot and a few palm trees. Happy 4th of July everyone.
-Circus Panel: I didn't win anything. :( Oh, and Da Capo coming out in English for 80 bucks. wtf 80 bucks. :( But even more sadly I think I'll actually buy it this time. :( Yes I am a sad Da Capo Fan. :(
-Saturday Morning: Yes we waited in line for tickets again BUT BEFORE THAT WE WENT TO THE JYUNKAI PANEL. And watch people ask questions like "What do you look for in a boyfriend." Because every time someone asks that at a panel. EVERY TIME. Oh, and we wanted to look for Jyunkai CDs since we didn't get one after the Jyunkai concert (had to go eat, it was already 3 PM) but we could never find one at AX. Geneon somehow sponsored the concert but (afaik) they've been long dead and didn't have a booth so there was no music selling. Which is sad, I used to buy KOTOKO from the Geneon booth. D:
We never found another Jyunkai CD in all of AX and even at the local Kinokuya (sp?) bookstore in little tokyo.
-Shokotan Concert: One of the most wild and Japan-ish concerts in all of the history of AX. (Although KOTOKO still pwns because of the cell phone waving everyone eventually did during her concert) She sang a lot of songs both me and my sister knew, and even one that my sister knew (somehow she had it on her ipod) that I didn't. She likes to cosplay a lot and even did the haruhi dance, which for a while I thought was interesting since I thought that would be covered by some copyright stuff for another professional idol to do that, but then again she's good friends with Hirano Aya so probably not bad. Shokotan's fanbase is extremely scary. Also, I am convinced that the one idol singer in Gintama is based off of Shokotan and her extreme fanbase.
Sanddollarman wtf. :V
-More Afternoon Crap: After participating in the Great Exodus of Jaywalkers we went to eat curry. Then we went to the japanese bookstore right next door to check things out even though they have their own booth at the exhibit hall. And my sister couldnt' find a Jyunkai CD. So we went back and looked at pretty pictures at artist alley, then bought more stuff in the exhibit hall. Then we watched spoof videos of FF6 with FMA/Zetsubou Sensei/Ouran High School intros and autoplay mario thing with a bunch of songs which I watched before but my sister didn't so she thought it was cute. This was all at the SWR booth. :V
-More Evening?: Went to the karaoke room for 2 seconds before I left because I couldn't stand the music (they WEREN'T KARAOKING THEY WERE DOING ROCK BAND OR SOMETHING). Went to get a coat, then ate seaweed, lunchables, and really disgusting smoothie at the Yoko Ishida Panel. Then I left my sister next to the Manga Cafe for a while so I can goto an 18+ panel. Stupid restrictions -_-...
-JAST Panel: IwonanHgameinaraffle. :V
- Sunday: I came, I bought a gift for a normal art major friend that does not live in the US, then bought some random broccoli (manga) before watching the miniconcert at their booth. They sing good music and they sing for Da Capo, so it was fun. Then I came home and typed up this blog entry. Now I have to do my essay and crap.
-Team Duo- AX 2008's theme in my mind was the AX of twos. As in, from what I can see a lot of people hung out in parties of 2, me included (with my sister). Tony's girlfriend had come over from Alaska so that was the first major duo that I saw standing out (Tony spent all his time with her, of course). And then I felt that Joe and Yan spent a lot of time hanging out with each other imho... Alice seemed to be with Valerie a lot... Gary also had one of his friends to hang out with. Two is a lucky number? It's certainly convenient. Being alone is quite lonely and can make AX not fun, while having 3 or more people may start making people that are not used to socials rather uncomfortable.
-Was my sister cosplaying? Kind of. She was trying to base her dress off this random picture I found a long time ago (it's somewhere in one of my facebook album, the picture of a catgirl with purple hair kissing someone. Except that my sister didn't have the catears/tail, didn't have the purple hair and definately isn't kissing anyone.) Except her outfit and makeup made her kind of look gothic and she was kind of flustered by that, but I said it was ok since it was at AX and half the female population look gothic anyway, whether they actually are or just cosplaying.
Not that anyone would be interested in knowing, but I had a somewhat matching outfit with a black polo shirt that my sister/mom bought and said looked nice on me. :V and I wore slacks (as usual) with a Kagami hanging out of my pocket. Which, I thought, looked cool. What! I did!
Pictures to come when my sister takes them off her cell phone.
Thomas says:
Thomas says:
Thomas says:
Akuun says:
Akuun says:
you *always* charge
Thomas says:
... :(
This is referring to Alice in SWR btw.
Rental Magica
The artwork is quite nice and comfortable. It's not rediculously moe as some of the series I've watched but its also cute enough to be attracted to the characters and not deem the fanservice as "unneeded" (not that fanservice is needed, but it's not annoying at the very least). There is also a good amount of male characters so that the series won't be completely directed as a harem type series, a good method to introduce female watchers since many girls automatically reject harem anime no matter how good it may be (for a reasonable excuse, its not deemed "harem" for no reason). Regardless of the character content, the story is very nice and in depth therefore anyone who's always criticized shows for their plot and detail would like this series quite a bit, I think.
The ending song is very catchy, and the chorus part of the opening song is pretty cool too.
In terms of the negatives, well, for the first portions of the series the series goes out of order, which is always a nuisance to me. After watch Touka Gettan where the ENTIRE SERIES was backwards I was no longer appreciative of WHATEVER reason a series would go out of order, whether it's symbolic or just because the creators thought it would be funny. However the latter half had the series finally going in chronological order and that was much more enjoyable. Also, there is one scene that they continously flash back to, which is understandable since its part of the story but after flashing back to the scene 4 times it gets old and annoying and makes it feel like a waste of time. :( Come on we want to watching fighting magicians in action, not the same childhood memory 4 times!!
But yes despite that Rental Magica is a good series, would highly recommend watching it.
Indiana Jones, Kimikiss, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Indiana Jones was fun to watch, as I had expected. Unfortunately its plot was quite weak and the romance portion was lame, but the point of the show was to have Indy be awesome and have some comedic moments once in a while (the romance helps with that, admittedly). So, it doesn't really matter that the plotline sucked. Still, it would have been nice if they were more coherent with these things. Additionally, sometimes the characters like Indy mumbled and I couldn't figure out what they were saying; that's a bit annoying too.
I would also like to comment on the feasibility of surviving an atomic bomb while staying in a refrigerator, but when consulting a physics major he said it was narrowly possible. And since narrowly possible always means Indiana Jones can do it, I accept it as feasible and not impossible, like some things that are shown in anime. Everything Indiana Jones does is almost impossible but because there's a low chance of success he succeeds. (That's what heroes do, they turn 0.01% success into 100% success!) It was cool though, surviving an atomic blast in a refrigerator. :V
Kimikiss Pure Rouge was a random typical high school romance anime I happened to pick up. Nothing in it stands out in a particular, in fact it could be said as the most normal high school romance anime I've ever found. The art design isn't even that great. But I was quite attracted to the character personalities in the anime, which I found much more realistic (and less emo) than many other characters in romance and high school anime. For the most part most of the characters did not have me crying in agony and for those that did, it was only for a short while before they shaped up and I was like "huh, pretty smart". Unlike some anime where the protagonist never learns throughout the entire series (or takes the entire series to learn). So, I thought the characters were pretty good.
I really liked the ending to the first season of the anime, for whatever reason.
NOW I SHALL BREAK FROM MY CONTINUOUS ANIME WATCHING TO DO A WEEKS WORTH OF PRACTICE IN SWR. This game is IMMENSELY confusing, even more so than IaMP was. The graze system is slightly different in that you can graze in more directions, and you have to let go of the graze key each time in order to change direction. Grazing and using projectiles is ranked by these little orb things, and if you forget to let go of the key you'll use up all your orbs and be powerless, which proves to be a huge inconvenience.
There is only ONE melee button (therefore ONE close range button) and two projectile buttons. This wouldn't have been a problem except that the former character I used in IaMP, Alice, always had A as her long range and B as her short range SO I GET SO CONFUSED and keep on using the wrong button when I want to use melee. D:
THERE IS AN AWESOME CARD SYSTEM but it's going to take a hell of a long time to get used to. It's almost as if the game is a card game + fighting game in one, in that you can build your own "deck" of spellcards that you draw and depending on your deck you can affect the outcome of your power moves.
There's also some weather system but I haven't seen too much about that yet. So far it doesn't affect me too much, but I'm sure it will eventually... I just have to figure out what button does what first, then I'll work on more of the specific nifty details of this game...
Hayate no Gotoku
In terms of the quality of the series, it certainly qualifies as a comedy series. Similar to Lucky Star, it provides a whole plethora of anime and just general cultural references, so much that many people will probably miss most of them. (I myself am sure I've missed a ton of them) A lot of the time I figure they're pretty specific references, but there are even some references so common that people who haven't seen anything related to the reference would notice them (For example, I never saw the Matrix but the oh-so-cliche freezing gunfight was there for one scene or so). But nevertheless its amazing how much references they manage to put in, and that's part of what cracks me up. How can you not be amused at trap-Hayate dressed up as Belldandy claiming his name is Hermoine, then some other character making a crack joke asking if he can do magic afterwards? :V
It IS different from Lucky Star, however, in that you can't easily say "OH I CAN RELATE TO THAT" with this series. Obviously, since many people are not combat butlers that don't die even after many profuse injuries and does amazing superhuman stuff, its bound to be more of a nonsensical "haha funny but it will never happen in real life" type of anime. Nevertheless, very amusing. I'm sure my experience with the anime is only augmented because I recognize so much references that are noted throughout the anime, but I'm guessing it'll be a fairly adequate show to watch even if its just casual. If no one has anything else to do for an entire day but to watch anime. It's certainly good to have days like this, I tell you.
The character designs were not exactly KyoAni style, but were still pretty good. In many cases, the character personalities made the characters cute, especially since many of them were so intensely exaggerated. After watching the entire series, I'd have to say that honestly (as with most otakus I bet) Isumi the directionally impaired girl is of course the cutest, but certainly Nishisawa the food girl comes pretty close with her school outfit being more attractive than the one used at the school the main characters go to. Hinagaku also looks surprisingly moe in a Utena outfit, though her usual style sucks in terms of clothes. I am sort of wondering why Nishisawa knew Hinagaku and Wataru but then again asking the story for plot is probably a bit too much. (Although with both being commoners I think its not that out of the ordinary, and amazingly enough it leaves MORE chances for plot development for a second season. It's like Hayate can't end...):V
Lun Lun Lun~
H20: Footprints in the Sand
(I realize I should be writing about Clannad first since it was a great series and deserves to have a review written about it but I am lazy atm so JUST WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T and suffice to say that it was so good it made me like a tsundere as my favorite character.)
SO what is H2O: Footprints in the Sand? It is, in a more rash term, another one of those visual novel-themed animes. However, despite some mediocrity and cliche themes and characters, it has its merits. While I personally think the character personalities are a bit too overused and, at times, unrealistic, the character designs and seemingly unique plot makes up for it. I like the plot so far in that it's fairly non-predictable by my standards, which is a big plus considering many of the characters display very cliche personalities and actions. I always enjoy a scene that I wasn't expecting more than one where I can literally say what the character is going to say next.
In terms of character, I mention that they are cliche but for this particular anime I like the main boy protagonist quite a bit. He starts off being blind and is suddenly able to see again, which is not a character trait you see very often; in addition, he's a soft-spoken, typical nice guy except he still has his cheekiness in him so he's not a sucker when stupid and funny events come to him. But most importantly, he doesn't seem to emo (at least not yet) and devote himself to too many characters at once. He's a nice guy to all girls, like every other male protagonist in this type of genre, but he really emits a "I'm just a friend" type feel, not a player that tries to go after every girl while somehow not realizing it.
While many of the characters are somewhat cliche in personality, the major reason I kept up with the series is I find it to have beautiful character designs. Not as good as KyoAni works, but attractive enough to make me want to continue the series even when characters say cheesey lines. The two blond hair girls in particular are so very cute, and the one with longer wavey hair is so cute it makes me feel sorry for all she has to go through even though she brought it on her self. :(
Oh and the music for this series is very nice. :D
H2O makes the series sound so scientific, when it obviously isn't. In fact, it has more religious themes than science. :V
Anime Downloads...?
Similar to what the guy said in the beginning, at first I thought this wouldn't matter much but after reading the article I'd have to say, "Interesting. Let's see what happens."
Magical Cell Plasma B-chan!
After much contemplation on how the immune system and all its complexity can be "moefied" I finally figured out a perfect representation of the immune system, placed into a simple magical girl scenario. After all, you have the bad guys and you have the heroes, what better situation can they be in? Sure we can have mech and sentai (I think that's what it was? transforming superheroes) but you know those two aren't very moe. :( Therefore Magical Girl seems to fit the theme quite well.
The Introduction
A young middle school girl named Bee. Her full name is Rinpakyuu Bee (From what I could get, Rinpakyuu is japanese for "lymphocyte") and lives in a fairly normal and peaceful world that is seemingly without danger. She has orange, semi-long hair that is only slightly wavey at the beginning but curls inwards it gets lengthier. She has small white ribbons which tie around the left side of her bangs. Her schhol outfit is generally a bright cheerful yellow with a white skirt and a red bow in the center. Her eyes are large, deep brown, and give off a sort of shy, silent-girl type appearance. In fact, she IS mostly a shy, silent girl that doesn't talk a lot even amongst friends and is frequently a victim of blushing to the slightest thing embarassing. Nevertheless she is very friendly and always is willing to help out any way she can.
MAIN CHARACTER DESCRIPTION ASIDE (which has NOTHING to do with immunology but EVERYTHING to do with moeness) one day Bee-chan, while walking home from school, had to make a detour due to construction. She didn't think too much of it, since it seems like it would only lengthen her trip home by a short amount, but what she encountered drastically changed the rest of her life...
It was then she had seen, for the first time, an "Infection". There were small, sphericallike objects everywhere that emitted a field of negative energy around the area. The spherical objects attached themselves to other beings and began sucking the life force out of those within proximity. Then, after they had obtained enough energy, they divided, and multiplied... each new division latching onto a host, whether it be the same host as before or a new one, to absorb more life energy and continue dividing. Naturally, Bee-chan was terrified and didn't know what to do. Slowly, she backed away and tried to run, but saw that they had multiplied so much in the short time she was staring that they had surrounded her. They slowly began to enclose her when...
There was a glow of energy within her. Three colors glowed from the center of her chest. She didn't know what was going on, but slowly, she began to feel less terrified and more calm, letting the new, mysterious energy take over her. One of the spherical objects lunged but Bee-chan merely caught it within her hands and, through some process she did not know, absorbed and disintegrated the creature. At that point all the spherical objects stopped advancing towards her, as if they had sensed a powerful force being released...
"Kitaaaaaaa!!" From the air emerged a new figure, her loud voice snapping Bee-chan back into consciousness. Frantically she moved aside from the new arriving individual, who crashed straight into the floor beside her. Slowly, she got up; she was a person about the same height and age as she was, only with an unusual outfit that had what appeared to be dragonfly wings on the back of her, as if she were some sort of faerie. The girl looked at her.
"So, you're the one huh?"
"???" Bee-chan looked at her with confusion and anxiety. The girl sighed.
"An immature one, you must be. Sigh, those are always hard to deal with at first, lack of exposure and all." She turned, brushed herself, then smiled. "Hiya, just call me T-chan! I'm going to be your Helper from now on!"
Bee-chan looked on, still confused. "Helper?"
Before T-chan could explain, there negative energy force suddenly felt stronger and more powerful than before. They looked around and found that they were now completely engulfed within the spherical monsters...
"Ah, these cocci are multiplying like mad... Here I'll explain later, let's first clean this place up! Here, hold out your MHC."
"...my what?" But before she can understand what was going on, she involuntarily held out her hand, which began emitting a bright yellow glow. In the center of her hand appeared to be a piece of the cocci that had previously attacked her.
"Excellent. TCR to MHC response--" T-chan held out her hand and clasped it with Bee-chan's hand-- "Cytokine Release--" Many bright and sparkly starlike objects bursted out of T-chan and began swirling around the two girls "--ACTIVATION!!"
Transformation Scene. First the obligatory nakedness where here clothes and ribbon disappear. Her hair lengthens until it reaches her hips, then splits into two and braids themselves automatically, until she has two very long braids hanging down the back of her head. The hair then changes its color from orange to light blue. She is given a purple outfit that looks something like a dress with accessories like ribbons and Y shaped clips, five of the clips being aligned perfectly at the rim of her dress (which extends just below her knee) in a ring shaped manner. then gloves and shoes appear and finally she opens her eyes, which have now changed color to a more firey type orange and... she makes some pose. Which is not too cheesey but not just standing there either. Use your imagination.
A second after realize she has transformed, she panicks frantically not knowing what in the world had just happened to her. T-chan, however, knows exactly what to do.
"Oi, just listen to me, here! Just repeat everything I say and you'll do fine!"
"Huh??? Oh... uh okay!" Bee-chan stammered.
"So you're in your M-mode, perfect! First off, Antibody Dispersion!!"
"Antibody Dispersion!!" Immediately a wide array of rings flew out of Bee-chan and began sticking to the cocci surrounding them. The cocci seemed to make some moaning noise as if they were in pain.
"Agglutinate!!" T-chan shouted.
"AGGLUTINAAATEEE!!" Bee-chan repeated. The cocci were then pulled together, away from the many hosts they were sucking from, into one very large sphere of cocci, held together tightly by the objects Bee-chan had dispersed earlier.
"Now, finally... Complement System..."
"Complement System..."
Suddenly as if they were appearing out of nowhere, objects of varying sizes and sorts began clumping onto the cocci. When a number of them had accumulated on top of one, the cocci would burst and disintegrate.
"There, the Membrane Attack Complex should finish them off..."
Indeed within a short while, the explosions accumulated exponentially until the whole large sphere of cocci seemed to explode at once, emitting a bright light and... after the light faded, everything returned to normal.
Except for the rest of Bee-chan's life, of course.
Bee-Chan and T-chan were pretty much introduced in the introduction. Consequently Bee-chan in her magical girl phase is a plasma cell, while in her dormant phase she is (now) a memory cell.
T-chan has a twin brother called T-kun. T-kun (representing a cytotoxic T cell) is not a helper and actually goes and kills hosts which have been infected. Bee-chan was not very happy when she first found out about T-kun's job, but realizes soon afterwards that it was a necessary thing he has to do.
T-chan and T-kun's actual names (and the names they use when they are in "human" form) is Tomoyo and Tomoya.
There is another "lead handsome guy" character that comes in that represents all forms of phagocytes in general. He helps Bee-chan fight off the evil microbes that come and invade their planet. He initially starts out with one form, the "Neutrophil" form, which is a general form for killing microbes. He gains more forms later ("Eosinophil", "Basophil", "Natural Killer"), each suited differently depending on who he is fighting. For example, "Natural Killer" form helps out T-kun in tough times where there are many infected hosts, while "Basophil" form helps close off an area in the city (to prevent further people from accidentally coming in) and creates a generally more "heated" environment which slows down the microbe invasion.
Bee-chan has several forms as well. The forms are known as "Class M", "Class A", "Class E", "Class D", and "Class G". Similar to the previous character mentioned, each class varies in power and effectiveness depending on who Bee-chan is fighting and where she is. For example Class A would be more effective in sea-type battles since Class A allows her to be more movable in water, while Class E helps against very large opponents (ones that would, in this world, rank at about the size of a skyscraper). Her most powerful form is Class G.
Oh, and each time she is in a new class, she has a different outfit as well.
Many of her adventures start off simple enough, just to introduce the characters and letting Bee-chan adapt to her new lifestyle. However, things get tricky fast when she has to combat various organisms with basis off of viruses and parasitic eukaryotes. Her opponents get tougher and tougher when she encounters those who can become resistant to some of her antibodies, those who can "cloak", and those who incapacitate T-chan using toxic shock and HIV infections. However ultimately in the end she finds that she must combat what seems like herself, after suffering through a molecular mimicry battle and inducing an autoimmune disorder (ie. possibly emo phase)... will she make it through?
There would probably be doujin of Bee-chan and Monoclonal Antibodies. Those damn tumor cells. :V
Scholarships and Idleness
It had occurred to me when a fellow undergraduate working in my lab had said she got accepted to a scholarship and I congradulated her. But then I realized that I had forgotten all about scholarships since the last time I sent applications in, which was last semester. This was an incredible fault on my behalf since many of my applications can simply be copied and given in as a new application. But this time I forgot, and a lot of potential was lost immediately. This is an immensely grave mistake, yet also a very good lesson to myself how foolish and immature I had been. I had thought that I had all things planned out, but in reality I was only looking at things inside school, taking less into account my labwork (since I had less proposals to write about) and other administrative issues. I had thought that in terms of administrative issues I had been fairly on top of things, scheduling my classes very early and getting all the stuff done with my advisors as soon as possible. But obviously that proved to be wrong.
Regardless about how much I distress about it, I can't do anything about it now. I have to learn from my mistakes and make sure they don't happen ever again (or at least happen less often), therefore I will be sure to get all things dealt with, even if they are many months ahead of time. If I don't have the deadline for something yet, I will make a preliminary deadline to check when the time comes that there should be a deadline, even if I need my cell phone to remind me.
I will hope this won't happen again, because the feeling of failure, though needed, is never comfortable.
On a positive note I didn't procrastinate on my lab report and have most of it (I think) finished. I'm just worried I won't have as much time to double check over it before I have to turn it in.
In regards to anime, I completely finished Clannad in one weekend. This requires a blog writeup since it was obviously good, but that will have to come later because that also requires quite a bit of thinking and energy exertion. Someone remind me to do that later. And to also put up a writeup on the ONE visual novel too.
I have a strange suspicion that my illnesses and my microbiology class are conspiring together. A few weeks ago when our teacher started talking about Viruses I had an outbreak of Herpes virus, which I hadn't had for a while. (Herpes virus is a latent virus that comes back every so often in a person who has it, for those who don't know, use wiki) And now when my teacher is starting her lecture on pathogens and immunology, I get sick again. Which I can complain is unfair because I was only sick 3 months ago (and I think its the exact same illness too, a common cold -_-;; ) but on top of that I get allergies and the lovely Santa Ana winds coming by to make me feel more miserable than I already am. Well, on the positive side I don't have a fever.
Yet. >.> <.<
1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Kimi ga Matteiru Kara
(I'm still here waiting for you)
If anything probably just waiting for someone to finish so we can leave already.
2. How would you describe yourself?
...uh, I'll interpret this as being somewhat of a loner. Which is partly true.
3. What do you like in a girl?
Duran Shoukan
(Summoning of Duran)
[Kajiura Yuki, Mai Hime OST]
...ok... the most farfetched interpretation I can think of this is tsundere which is WRONG... well maybe not quite but certainly not Duran.
4. How do you feel today?
Monochrome Sekai
(Monochrome World)
[Shimotsuki Haruka]
I don't see the world in gray! ...Do I? ...It's cloudy today.
5. What is your life's purpose?
Rhythm Emotion
[Endless Waltz]
Not quite. In a most farfetched idea it could signify adding a sort of stability to complex human behavior which could possibly signify the desire to overcome one's faults to become someone greater. Or that I live for techno.
I think its the former.
6. What is your motto?
Snow Angel
7. What do your friends think of you?
Heart Warm
[Spiral OST]
8. What do you think of your parents?
Kimi yo, Utsukushii Kaze ni Nare
(Feeling the beautiful wind with you)
Well, we DO go on vacations a lot. Possibly symbolic about the enjoyment of spending time with my family.
9. What do you think about very often?
Last Song
Because its better than the current song.
10. What is 2 + 2?
Happy Material
[Various Artists, Negima anime]
...at least its school related? Happy math?
11. What do you think of your best friend?
(Guidance? or something like that)
Umm... well I don't have one type of best friend anyway so... I guess I'm a good guider? or I get guided by my friend? I think the former would apply more.
12. What do you think of the person you like?
(Dragonfly, or Heat Haze)
[Various Artists]
:V Heat maybe more appropriate. Analogy for "hot?" I don't like "hot" girls though...
13. What is your life story?
Can you feel crying alone?
That sounds remarkably emo.
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Neat Sister
[Rozen Maiden OST]
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Ashi Ato
Because the foot is the most attractive part of the body. For more symbolic meaning, Footprints are like imprints in the sand which can interpret to having fond fading memories which would mean I would think she'd be memorable.
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Chiisana Shiawase
( A Small Happiness)
[Kajiura Yuki, Mai Hime OST]
Not a bad song actually, for a wedding.
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Fusion Star
An excellent way to end my life. Like the Big bang, only opposite.
18. What is your hobby/interest?
Yamiyo no Prologue
(Prologue to a Dark Night)
[Kajiura Yuki]
I am secretly a dark and evil person. Actually, some people may agree with this.
19. What is your biggest fear?
Hua Duo Kai Hao Le
(The flowers have finished blooming)
Symbolic of the end of life? Or the end of the "blooming" period of life, aka getting old. Not a bad fear to have.
20. What is your biggest secret?
...I don't think its that big of a secret that I'm sort of a loner.
21. What do you think of your friends?
Kirameki no Kanata he
(That Sparkle on the other side)
[Miyu Matsuki]
Awwww... how cute... Sounds very Aria-ish.
I am the edge of my shape.
Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
I have proved over a thousand theorems.
Variable to rational,
Variable to imaginary,
These polygons hold many numbers,
Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
So, as I calculate,
The Applicable Practical Version (the one a friend made up):
I am the edge of my shape.
Flat are my sides and sharp are my corners.
I have been created over a thousand times.
Unknown to bounce.
Nor known to roll.
Have withstood pressure to be stacked many times.
Yet, the contents will never be known.
So as I open,
Microbio + Anime
ANYWAY because studying is so much fun, I decided to relate a bunch of microbiology to animelike things.
Anime Respiration
There are five classifications that Otakuisms fall into when classifying Anime Respiration. It is important to keep note of them in the case you would wish to cultivate any, by any chance.
Obligate Aniobe: These cultures must watch the most popular anime series and must always be given the top overwatched anime or else will perish. Examples are those who watch Naruto and Bleach.
Obligate Ananiobe: These otakuisms cannot stand the sight of immensely popular series. Instead, they stay far away on the bottom, only watching series that have never been heard of and never will be heard of. Any exposure to a popular anime series will result in a mass of flames and death of the otakuism.
Facultative Ananiobe: These otakuisms can tolerate a variety of anime series, but thrive best on the popular ones. They do not mind watching series less popular, but surely the more popular series are popular for a reason, right?
Microaniphile: These otakuisms dislike a strongly popular series, but still require the series to be somewhat popular for them to watch. Examples of this are those who dislike bleach or naruto but would go after something like Haruhi or any Key anime, which are fairly popular in Japan. However, none of these series have been overhyped, hence, a lower exposure of popular anime series.
Anitolerant: These otakuisms will watch anything, whether it's popular or not. They don't care if it's on the top of the list or on the bottom of the list, as long as there's something to watch.
Judging from these classifications, I would most likely classify an otakuism like me either Anitolerant or Obligate ananiobe. Probably more Anitolerant.
Have you ever noticed that in some anime when a person becomes "healed" or while "healing" a wound, the wound or the healing hand will usually glow a glowing color? From reading my microbiology textbook, I think I can attribute this to a bacteria that produces a natural antibiotic. Apparently during the civil war, sometimes a soldier's wound would appear to glow in the dark and this was attributed to the soldier's wound as healing; in actuality, there is a luminescent bacterium known as Photorhabdus luminescens which produces a glowing light as well as an antibiotic which prevents infectious bacteria from taking advantage of the wound. So, whenever the next time you see a priest using "Heal!", think of the Photorhabdus luminescens!!!
THE GIANT BACILLI IN TOUHOU ARE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ef- tales of memories
There are other anime classified as romance that I hold in high regard, but in those cases I usually like them because of various other elements, mostly fantasy, more rarely comedy. For example, AIR is still my all-time favorite anime, but AIR had a lot of fantasy elements that I consider AIR more of a favorite fantasy type anime than a romance (plainly I couldn't see any romance getting past Misuzu and Yukito being brother and sister, anyway).
Similary ef-tales of memories had some fantastical elements, but they were not abstractly connected to reality. Instead, the show had a ton of symbolism. A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT THAT CAUSED ME TO RESURFACE MY TENDENCIES TO POINT OUT SUCH SYMBOLS... the broken leg, the sheep math problem, and ultimately, the novel written by the andrograde amnesia girl. I really could not help but say "that is just neat" everytime they included such symbolic elements, even though the world around them is still very much similar to a regular, realistic world.
(Save for some points that they never went into, which is a bit bothersome but serves the purpose of emphasizing that this is a romance anime.)
Those symbolic points, along with the andrograde amnesia case which I have to find interesting since I take biology and neurology courses, are the main aspects that set this anime apart from other romance anime. Other romance anime typically emphasize so much on lovey-dovey that it becomes boring to me to continuously watch it; this one had, first, the memory-deficient girl which has the audience (aka me) saying "interesting", then continues to add various symbolic meanings and drawings as the series goes on. It's sad to say that it's one of those anime I can't watch one time to catch all the symbolism and meanings, yet don't feel like watching it all over again... I might anyway.
The only anime I have done that with right now is AIR.
That being put aside, I've decided to list my favorite anime in each anime genre.
Romance: ef-tales of memories
Comedy: Nodame Cantabile (I watch a lot of comedy just for laughs, but since it is comedy, it never really strikes out as "this is incredible" or "this is so touching"... Nodame Cantabile is quite decent however)
Fantasy: AIR
Action: Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha
Science Fiction: Stellvia of the Universe (old favorites die hard?)
Slice of Life: Aria
Suspense: Code Geass (Good anime but &^*&^$*#^ stupid cliffhangers)
Other series worth noting that I haven't noted because I've been too busy watching anime:
Sayanora Zetsubou Sensei: A sarcastic comedy anime. Fun to watch but kind of leaves you feeling like "wtf" for some time. Many people say the art design for this anime rocks. I agree.
Gurren Laagan: A mech anime introduced to me by a friend. If I were to define mech anime, I'd use this anime as the example, just like if I were to define utopia I'd use Aria.
Sky Girls TV: I like this anime's art style, but I haven't watched enough to say much about it. So far it's slow, but I'm liking it.
I've watched a lot of anime and wanted to write stuff up on it, but because of my laziness I haven't done much. And now school is going to start soon. Oh well, it was a fun anime-filled winter break for me...~