Sorry, I'm usually not that interested in both Marvel OR Disney, but this is just so hilarious, imo, for whatever reason.
Soon we'll be seeing mickey and friends beating up the Hulk in the next marvel fighting game. YES
Chinese-English Dictionary
Most computer/online chinese-english dictionaries are stupid because you can't exactly type the chinese word out easily, and if you don't know the word how the heck can you know the pronounciation?
This is why this one is awesome. AFAIK its the only online dictionary that uses the TRADITIONAL way to look up Chinese words.
I think the pulldown menu for the number of strokes afterwards is a bit cumbersome (should just have a field to enter it in) but overall this is definately the dictionary I'm looking for. It might take a few seconds to look up a word but that's still nothing compared to finding the stroke >> finding the word>> turning to the page of the word >> looking for the damn word you're looking for inside a chinese dictionary.
One significant problem is that the dictionary is really simple and doesn't include phrases associated with the word, which can have significantly different meanings from the word. :/ I guess in that case we can use this one first and then identify the word, then copy-paste it into another dictionary? Blah. WELL ITS PROGRESS.
Someday, I will be able to read all my chinese manga perfectly due to technology, but not today. :(
EDIT: What we can do is look up the word using stroke first, then get the pinying and form the phrase and write it into the normal chinese-english dictionary provided by the same site on this page:
This seems to work, and its not a lot of time lost either. :V
This is why this one is awesome. AFAIK its the only online dictionary that uses the TRADITIONAL way to look up Chinese words.
I think the pulldown menu for the number of strokes afterwards is a bit cumbersome (should just have a field to enter it in) but overall this is definately the dictionary I'm looking for. It might take a few seconds to look up a word but that's still nothing compared to finding the stroke >> finding the word>> turning to the page of the word >> looking for the damn word you're looking for inside a chinese dictionary.
Someday, I will be able to read all my chinese manga perfectly due to technology, but not today. :(
EDIT: What we can do is look up the word using stroke first, then get the pinying and form the phrase and write it into the normal chinese-english dictionary provided by the same site on this page:
This seems to work, and its not a lot of time lost either. :V
umm... Sketches!
I don't know why, but I find this just so cute!
I also don't know why Kotaku is the one reporting this. But the contrasting its just so cute and funny :D
I also don't know why Kotaku is the one reporting this. But the contrasting its just so cute and funny :D

Multitasking Sucks
Probably why I can't study and listen to music at the same time. Or talk and play online games at the same time. Although I can play games and listen to music... :V
Probably why I can't study and listen to music at the same time. Or talk and play online games at the same time. Although I can play games and listen to music... :V
Shugo Chara Party
...Even though I just posted something like that only a few minutes ago AN ANNOUNCEMENT SHUGO CHARA 3RD SEASON
Holy crap that's a lot of episodes. I still haven't even started second... well 2nd season still hasn't even ended!!
Holy crap that's a lot of episodes. I still haven't even started second... well 2nd season still hasn't even ended!!
Clannad After Story Ep. 18
YES I know I've been really slow in watching shows like this and I apologize to my sister who is always waiting on me so we can watch it together. ANYWAY I WOULD SAY SPOILERS but I'm probably the last one to finish this series (along with my sister) so I don't think any of this is spoilers to anyone. If anything people are telling me to hurry up so I can finish the series already... :V (Well my sister is anyway)
But I want to talk about this episode since it was kind of sad. Kind of.
The interesting part I thought about this episode is how something like this can be more touching than two episodes before when Nagisa died. For me when Nagisa died, yea it was a sad event but I wasn't crying or feeling that emphatic. Yet the end of episode 18 seemed to have that effect. Perhaps its the young innocent child, unknowing and unaware of the plight that she and her father have to go through, or maybe its just the parental bonding which seems to affect me so well (I attribute this to why I like AIR so much as well). But I just found it strange how I found Tomoya recalling about Nagisa to his daughter so much more emotionally powerful than for Nagisa to die herself. It might just be the parental bonding thing. Regardless Key has always been this way.
Another thing that Key has always been is to make the series... not so frustrating, even if its sad. Case in point, Tomoya. In any other type of show, I may have got frustrated at the protagonist whenever they go into a fit or a state of depression (ie emoing), mainly because I find the reasons usually pretty stupid. But I can't with Tomoya. From his anger raging to his father to his "life sucks" theory after Nagisa died, Tomoya never frustrated me even though I thought he would. His frustration for his father seems understandable since, according to Tomoya at time time, his father did ruin a lot of things. However, as episode 18 showed, his father WAS really trying to care for him. Both sides had their understandable story and no one was at fault in my eyes.
The other part that I thought I would be annoyed at was Tomoya's depression after Nagisa died. But even then I thought his actions were understandable. He had been complaining about it a while earlier how he wondered if he did the right thing. I think he thinks about these things because he wonders if he's actually suitable for Nagisa, who he regards as this wonderful angel (which in a way she is at some times). Seeing his past and his relationship with his father, along with the not-so-noble job he has, he does have reason to feel that he's not suitable. And when of all things Nagisa dies, its understandable that he felt that HE made the mistake of being in a relationship and "killing" the angel Nagisa. Some, I think, may believe he was just being selfish and wished he never experienced the pain of the death of a loved one. This may be true but for me, judging how they developed Tomoya and the way Key presents this series, it seems to me that Tomoya is more blaming himself for the pain of others than for the pain of himself.
Key is certainly an expert at making sad stories not frustrating. Its hard for me to watch most depressing or sad stories because I usually feel frustrated or think the reasonings behind their emoing is not legit. I still have to watch more with the series but while I won't give up the top favorite spot of AIR, I am certainly commending this series to be quite good (interestingly enough since it seems that many people I meet when talking about After Story didn't like it as much as the first season, or at least not as much as other shows). At the very least, better than Kanon which was pretty much all romance and something I couldn't really relate to. :x
But I want to talk about this episode since it was kind of sad. Kind of.
The interesting part I thought about this episode is how something like this can be more touching than two episodes before when Nagisa died. For me when Nagisa died, yea it was a sad event but I wasn't crying or feeling that emphatic. Yet the end of episode 18 seemed to have that effect. Perhaps its the young innocent child, unknowing and unaware of the plight that she and her father have to go through, or maybe its just the parental bonding which seems to affect me so well (I attribute this to why I like AIR so much as well). But I just found it strange how I found Tomoya recalling about Nagisa to his daughter so much more emotionally powerful than for Nagisa to die herself. It might just be the parental bonding thing. Regardless Key has always been this way.
Another thing that Key has always been is to make the series... not so frustrating, even if its sad. Case in point, Tomoya. In any other type of show, I may have got frustrated at the protagonist whenever they go into a fit or a state of depression (ie emoing), mainly because I find the reasons usually pretty stupid. But I can't with Tomoya. From his anger raging to his father to his "life sucks" theory after Nagisa died, Tomoya never frustrated me even though I thought he would. His frustration for his father seems understandable since, according to Tomoya at time time, his father did ruin a lot of things. However, as episode 18 showed, his father WAS really trying to care for him. Both sides had their understandable story and no one was at fault in my eyes.
The other part that I thought I would be annoyed at was Tomoya's depression after Nagisa died. But even then I thought his actions were understandable. He had been complaining about it a while earlier how he wondered if he did the right thing. I think he thinks about these things because he wonders if he's actually suitable for Nagisa, who he regards as this wonderful angel (which in a way she is at some times). Seeing his past and his relationship with his father, along with the not-so-noble job he has, he does have reason to feel that he's not suitable. And when of all things Nagisa dies, its understandable that he felt that HE made the mistake of being in a relationship and "killing" the angel Nagisa. Some, I think, may believe he was just being selfish and wished he never experienced the pain of the death of a loved one. This may be true but for me, judging how they developed Tomoya and the way Key presents this series, it seems to me that Tomoya is more blaming himself for the pain of others than for the pain of himself.
Key is certainly an expert at making sad stories not frustrating. Its hard for me to watch most depressing or sad stories because I usually feel frustrated or think the reasonings behind their emoing is not legit. I still have to watch more with the series but while I won't give up the top favorite spot of AIR, I am certainly commending this series to be quite good (interestingly enough since it seems that many people I meet when talking about After Story didn't like it as much as the first season, or at least not as much as other shows). At the very least, better than Kanon which was pretty much all romance and something I couldn't really relate to. :x
Research! Why!
This type of research seems as beneficial to society as walking in circles is to getting out of a forest.
This type of research seems as beneficial to society as walking in circles is to getting out of a forest.
(More) Seikan Hikou
*kira* yes GUMI, yes. :V
*kira* yes GUMI, yes. :V
Nogizaka Haruka Light Novel
Sleep Schedules
What does this mean? It means that in the future we will all have genetically engineered bodies... and... WE WILL ALL HAVE THE SAME SLEEP PATTERN MWHAHAHAHAHAHAH--
BTW All college students besides me must be genetically mutated. Yes, that explains everything...
What does this mean? It means that in the future we will all have genetically engineered bodies... and... WE WILL ALL HAVE THE SAME SLEEP PATTERN MWHAHAHAHAHAHAH--
BTW All college students besides me must be genetically mutated. Yes, that explains everything...
心壊サミット【初音ミク PV】 the title says. :V
Nanowires and Lipids
First, nerves. Then, the brain. Then, THE WORLD--
First, nerves. Then, the brain. Then, THE WORLD--
Omg! Geoengineering! That sounds so cool!
Why Pokemon is Popular
I like this guy's critique!!
I like this guy's critique!!
I'd linkspam these on facebook but my facebook isn't working.
(may not be accessible since this an article from the Nature journal itself)
(Cute, but you kinda wonder why it doesn't just jump-fly a bit or something... but clever nevertheless :V)
(may not be accessible since this an article from the Nature journal itself)
(Cute, but you kinda wonder why it doesn't just jump-fly a bit or something... but clever nevertheless :V)
Rin and Gumi
The song is only okay, but look! Rin and Gumi in loligoth form! :D
The song is only okay, but look! Rin and Gumi in loligoth form! :D
The study of Emoing on the internets! :V Kind of amusing.
Although it makes you think, all these bloggers are now being subjected as test experimenters. But then again if they're posting their personal outlets on blog sites anyway they probably don't mind something like that in comparison to, say, a 24 hour stalker or something... :V
The study of Emoing on the internets! :V Kind of amusing.
Although it makes you think, all these bloggers are now being subjected as test experimenters. But then again if they're posting their personal outlets on blog sites anyway they probably don't mind something like that in comparison to, say, a 24 hour stalker or something... :V
Moar Caek?!?
This is like the girliest girly girly girliest Vocaloid video I have EVER seen.
This is like the girliest girly girly girliest Vocaloid video I have EVER seen.
etcetc started playing RO again etcetc
So yea everyone knows. However my return isn't what I want to talk about.
What I want to talk about is 3 SLOTTED CELLOS.
I did some calculations and have concluded: 3 slotted cellos are awesome.
Lets take a +10 violin (4s) and assume we have 2x race 2x element, of course a 196% bonus.
The damage we see for this is 50 (base attack) + 26 (+10 upgrade), so 76.
Let's assume the optimal 160 dex (which of course every minstrel has, except me.)
The damage from 160 dex is 256 (the exponential rule) + 160 which is 416.
We add them together, that's 492. Then we apply the race and element and it ends up having 964 attack power. Okay, everyone knows this. (BTW str bonus and luk bonus not included, nor imp. Str and Luk is insignificant since practically no one gets them anyway, Imp actually IS significant along with other attack bonus boosters, but for the sake of complexity I omitted it.)
Now, I won't go through this all over again, but the THREE SLOTTED cello has 110 ATTACK Power. It's also a level 3 weapon, therefore each upgrade bonus is more than that of a violin. What this all means is, in the end, after all calculations are made, a +8 cello with 2 race/ 1 ele (or vice versa) does about the same damage as the violin. A +9 does more damage, but barely; if the user has Imp or other attack boosters on him, he'll do more damage with a violin than with the same boosts on the cello. With +10, there's a good damn chance the cello will be the best freakin weapon out there.
not only that, if the exponential rule is gone (due to renewal), then ultimately the Cello will OWN.
What I want to talk about is 3 SLOTTED CELLOS.
I did some calculations and have concluded: 3 slotted cellos are awesome.
Lets take a +10 violin (4s) and assume we have 2x race 2x element, of course a 196% bonus.
The damage we see for this is 50 (base attack) + 26 (+10 upgrade), so 76.
Let's assume the optimal 160 dex (which of course every minstrel has, except me.)
The damage from 160 dex is 256 (the exponential rule) + 160 which is 416.
We add them together, that's 492. Then we apply the race and element and it ends up having 964 attack power. Okay, everyone knows this. (BTW str bonus and luk bonus not included, nor imp. Str and Luk is insignificant since practically no one gets them anyway, Imp actually IS significant along with other attack bonus boosters, but for the sake of complexity I omitted it.)
Now, I won't go through this all over again, but the THREE SLOTTED cello has 110 ATTACK Power. It's also a level 3 weapon, therefore each upgrade bonus is more than that of a violin. What this all means is, in the end, after all calculations are made, a +8 cello with 2 race/ 1 ele (or vice versa) does about the same damage as the violin. A +9 does more damage, but barely; if the user has Imp or other attack boosters on him, he'll do more damage with a violin than with the same boosts on the cello. With +10, there's a good damn chance the cello will be the best freakin weapon out there.
not only that, if the exponential rule is gone (due to renewal), then ultimately the Cello will OWN.
Now some research evidence for why English are bad cooks!
Now some research evidence for why English are bad cooks!
Hatsune Miku Concert
Hay, its on my sister's birthday~!
Hay, its on my sister's birthday~!
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