T: THIS HAS GOT TO STOP how is it that you can say your internship is teaching you anything when you're sitting there reading comics all day?!? It was already bad enough before you stepped on that landmine and now look you can't even concentrate on work you're supposed to be doing--
G: Look, the work we've been doing so far has been pleasantly received, so is it really any big deal to them what you're doing as long as the work you've been doing so far is being completed in a reasonable amount of time? And it's not like you can spend 6 hours just staring at code and feel preoccupied, especially if you're not finding anything wrong with the code and the program seems to be working--
T: But you can spend 6 hours watching/reading anime related material? The code can ALWAYS be improved. Even right now you can still look at the code and take effort to understand it better. Look into that class-loading application you've been trying to make. Figure out better improvements, anything to show you're doing something helpful--
G: You can't say that if we aren't even getting paid to do this. Why must we be so devoted to helping them out? We're already helping them out a bunch already. Why should we bother making this program so great? Look at the programmers previously working on this. They did a terrible job and left confusing code here and breakpoints there, and they WERE getting paid. We're all just working so hard just to make a good image of ourselves, right? Just so we look "great" and "awesome", huh? Why should we care so much how we look to people?
T: Not to look awesome, but at least to look mature. How can we give an image of maturity if we're looking at comics all day? Try to understand, image can be important. We don't want to look like a hero that can do anything, but at the least respected well enough so that they'd want us like a friend as well as a coworker, and when recommendations come along people will be happy to write what a great intern you were, not that you were reading comics all day--
G: A great image, you say. Image has always been a weakness of yours. You always want to stay neutral and not risk any harm or risk. Limited aggressiveness, unwilling to pursue new things--
T: WHAT DO YOU THINK WE ARE TRYING TO DO RIGHT NOW?!? AND ARE YOU HELPING IT AT ALL WITH ALL THIS ANIME CRAP?!? We have SO MUCH to do-- fixing resume, by CHANCE finding a job even if we can only stay for a year, starting all these damn applications...!
G: --it's because we've been so concerned with all these academic and occupational things that we never have a chance to express other hobbies, such as writing. Everything is always being neglected in pursuit of academics or other things that seem more "important", but do they seem more enjoyable?
T: Academics has had its share of neglectance, thanks to anime related material...
G: Anime has ALWAYS been placed on the backseat, ALWAYS been a "wait till we're all done with this classwork" hobby!! We strive hard to keep it from getting out of control, so to speak, and that's good. But what's wrong with indulging just a little?
T: A little?!? Whenever we get the chance we go all out!! We could spend MONTHS just watching anime, at the rate we download and with all the series we have backlogged!! We can finish a 50 episode series in 2-3 days, and we usually do! At the very least we could try WORKING while we have something to do...
G: It's better than staying home all day with nothing to do and bum around like a loser. We ARE making progress, although you might think its not acceptable. Not only are we volunteering to do work to learn skills in programming and communication, even at home we're trying to practice other things we need to do. Notice how now that there's no more academic material it feels like we have a lot of free time to do whatever we want. But we're trying to keep that under control. Search for Universities. Study for GREs. Work on resumes. We're doing all of that--
T: Yea, for like 10 minutes a day.
G: --which is better than nothing. In any case, we're trying. Sometimes, the human body betrays us and we're feeling less energized and wanting to do anything. Even watching anime, we have that "do we really want to watch it" feeling before we begin to go right into it.
T: It would have been better if that "do you really want to do that" feeling had been kept with reading megatokyo. Now what.
G: Megatokyo is still finite. Eventually we'll finish and then everything will be back to steady pace. It's incredibly unlikely we'll go off and start downloading manga onto a computer that's not ours. Although if Megatokyo wasn't so emoish and suspenseful in every comic it would probably not be as much of a problem.
T: I can agree with that. But we can't put the blame on it.
G: Yea, well. Might as well finish up this blog post--
T: Which was again used to distract us from the work we have to do.
G: Well its not watching anime, either.
T: But that's probably what you're doing afterwards anyway.
G: We finished our work for the day!
G: This is not going to end if we don't stop now.
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