
Murphy's Law of PS3s

For the record:

In my attempt, today, to buy a PS3 for the second time, it was found to be sold out:

-Best Buy* x2
-Target* x3
-Toys R Us
-Game Crazy

The starred stores indicate that I went the week earlier and it was sold out then, too. Apparently the guy from Toy's R Us said that they've been sold out for 3 weeks already, which makes sense, I think, since about 3 weeks ago (or was it 4?) I saw stacks upon stacks of PS3s at Fry's. And somehow 2 weeks later they were all gone. My prediction is something happened during President's Day Weekend that made all the PS3 consoles disappear.

Three theories:
1. Some university decided to start a new simulation lab/project and bought all the PS3s to do use their GPUs to do ultra high resolution simulations. However my friend tells me this is not likely since PS3 slims do not support Linux installment anymore.
2. A lot of people suddenly are interested in a new game (Most likely FFXIII, slight chance Heavy Rain) and now want a PS3. The former seems most likely, possibly after all the rumors about Xbox's version having more crappy quality. And the fact that all the fan(girl?)s were holding out on buying PS3s because there was nothing good on them, but now that the date is coming near they finally went to go get them.
3. Microsoft is making a conspiracy by stripping all stores of PS3s, forcing people to buy Xbox 360s to play their FFXIII game. Well, if they bought all the consoles that would be pretty stupid since that means they just gave Sony alot of money though.


I don't think the last one is very likely. :V


Akuun said...

Either that or Sony is slacking in their PS3 production for some reason.

You might want to look into some online retailers, like newegg. Sometimes the more mainstream stores mark up their stuff a lot.

Enigmatic Cube said...

I just checked new egg and best buy online.

Sold out.