
Finals Finals!! FUN FUN!!!! YAYAYA!!!!

So, I should be studying, but I decided to take an inappropriate break to post in my blog, surf the internet, and basically waste the rest of my grade which is goign to result in wasting my chance to get an A in Molecular Biology. I also come to the conclusion that studying can cause insanity. So, by not studying I'm saving some of my sanity? /hmm I should get back to studying!!!!

But before that let's have a little unrelated talk about competition and different schools and such. I've been meaning ot talk about this for a while. One day in my lab, my collegues (are the lab-mates, like classmates or something like that?) were talking about how other colleges run labs and graduate programs, and apparently "big" places like Harvard have extremely depressing graduate programs. These are programs where people are all out to kill each other, doing anything (not just studying) to get the best grades (though I have yet to hear of anyone killing a fellow student for the sake of getting top grades). This was particularly curious to me. While I know that it's definately an environment I can not survive in, I also sort of feel that I could relate to something like this. Not intellectually, for I believe that my intelligence is not enough for any of these schools to do even basically well; but I kind of understand the competitiveness, even for a rather "lenient" school like this. It is probablyb ecause of my lack of intelligence that I feel this way. Anyway, while most of my labmates are pretty horrified about how these "advanced" school does things, I just sat there and wondered.
I can't for graduate life!!! :p *is so dead, taking BME and Bio major XP*

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