

Seems like a not-so-bad GUMI song, although I'm never gonna even attempt trying to karaoke this one. :V

so this one says Asoda-da-ku (I think that's "so" and not "n").

I totally have no idea what that means. :V



Screw Mosaic Roll (Mozaik Role?). THIS IS TOTALLY MY SONG OF THE MONTH.


(video was already posted in the DECO*27 post, last one)

EDIT: ACTUALLY because GUMI is really special, GUMI gets to have a special "GUMI song of the month" with Mosaic Roll (Mozaik Role! Mozart Rules?) on top.


Vocaloid Lily PVC


Dude wtf, already?


Mont Blanc English

Its both neat and...kind of odd at the same time. Some parts where she holds on some of the words feel kind of uncomfortable considering most of the japanese songs have a pretty steady beat to their words... that and the words are kind of weird but I always thought that the japanese lyrics were also kind of vague, I'm not sure if its any more clearer to the Japanese listening to the GUMI version.

Or maybe that's how song lyrics are in general and I just never notice -- strangely vague so that when I try to interpret them I can't get a clear idea of what its supposed to say. :V

EDIT: IN MY CONTINUOUS PURSUIT OF STALKING DECO27 ON TWITTER, I FIND OUT that the name of their song isn't "Mosaic Roll" but actually "Mozaik Role"!!! ...wtf is Mozaik?

GOSICK anime

Apparently coming in January 2011, according to the twitter for the moetron site administrator.

Cool, I just started buying that series! :V




Seeing how DECO*27 is the new supercell we of course want to go through all of their records and see what songs they've done and how cool they are.

So far I haven't been too impressed but I really like this one! Its pretty cool o:

I didn't know what the kanji meant so I put it into google translate and it gave me "Crime and Punishment". :V


OH HAY, I REMEMBER THIS SONG!!! I heard this song before, and I thought it was pretty neat. I guess that's why when I found it and listened to it again I thought this one was cool!

From what I could make out, I can read "Kimi (yi shang), boku (?)" with the parentheses being the amount of Chinese I could understand. So "you(r?) (last time), my (?)"...? Time to check google translate! :V >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "More You, Less Me" I fail at Chinese. :V


I've noticed, DECO*27's Miku songs are so much more happier than their GUMI songs... it almost makes GUMI look like an emo D: D: or just unlucky/depressed.

I like happy songs, though \o/ Miku's personality does represent a pretty cheerful type. Although GUMI seems pretty cheerful, if not more sporty than Miku...

"Love words..." something. GOOGLE TRANSLATE, SAVE ME AGAIN: ..."Love Words" REALLY, GOOGLE, REALLY? :V

Apparently the last kanji alone means "leaf", yet put together with the middle (in chinese I think its something like "i") it means words? ...:V



Wai this GUMI is soooooooo cuuuuuuuuuute!! :x!!!!

Assuming my chinese is not failing me it seems like this title means something like "Moon and Wind's Boat". :V

EDIT: OR MAYBE WIND'S BOAT IS...something like a balloon ride or something. ...wat :V



Here's something worth looking into, and may possibly be heard more of sometime in the future.

Either that or forgotten into oblivion like so many other potential drugs!

Well, lets hope something comes out out this. Or something else.




...could be interesting.



New GUMI song, by DECO*27 (same ones one did Yowamushi Mont Blanc). It got 20k+ views and 6k+ favorites in LESS THAN A DAY (I was looking for GUMI songs last night, and it hadn't even come out yet). Wtf!

Truth be told I don't feel the appeal in this song yet (I don't think its my style) however I do agree that the video to this music is absolutely awesome. I guess considering the other GUMI songs that are out right now this one beats it, but it's not a song that's going to stick with me I think, not like Yowamushi Mont Blanc.

I didn't know what this "Mozeikurooru" was so I entered it into google translate and found "mosaic roll"... I still don't know what that is. :V


"Lily" officially announced


Apparently she'll be one of GUMI's partners!

Her design is obviously better displayed by GUMI, but of course as we found out looks aren't always everything. New Vocaloid banzai!

...and I should REALLY get those other blog posts I have in mind posted soon. :V


melting summer


For those who don't know (and probably don't care), Toku was the one who created GUMI's Blue Bird, which is my absolute favorite GUMI song (the one song to get me into Vocaloid). He also created works like Spica and Aria, both awesome works (though sung by Miku).

This one looks like its pretty darn good too~





Futari Boshi (two people's... something? I thought it was stars but I noticed it was boshi instead of hoshi), a GuMiku song.

I should be posting other stuff which I eventually will get to but OBVIOUSLY VOCALOID MUST TAKE PRIORITY.