

One of the most annoying things in the world is on any typical school day, I wake up being anxious to death about how much work and crap I have to do for the day, goto school, do some of that work, then by the nighttime I'm browsing 4chan and feeling bored even though just that morning I felt like I'll have work that will never end. I feel guilty and like a hypocrite yet it happens anyway. Perhaps this is just the stupidity and lack of efficiency of a "normal" person... alas if only I could be not normal and do something great like cure cancer with my not-normal-ness...

I played Touhou a while ago. That game likes to taunt me. I'll never beat this game with 1 cc even in normal mode. It reminds me that I need years to get decently good at a game, like EFZ, where other people get good at games in 2 days. :p Not that games are important, anyway. I already have fair composition over myself in playing games and not getting to into them. Although Touhou really frustrated me today.

Over Spring break I watched a few anime series. I finished Asatte no Houkou (an emo anime) and Kanon (an awesome anime) and began to get caught up on Code Geass (an upbeat anime). I could BS more but I'm tired, and finally not bored because I have someone to talk to over AIM now. :p

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