

I should talk more about fanime but I probably won't because I have drained up all my BSing skills into my Writing 340 class that I must take over the summer. Therefore, once again I present to you, a brief overview of what happened at fanime!

1. Met PJBW. Pwned him in EFZ, didn't get him to play touhou though. :(
2. Found out the 3 Japanese voice actors from Haruhi are coming to AX! Though I could have found that out without going to fanime too.
3. Went to Industry Panels. Stuff got licensed. Only thing that really perked my ears was Shuffle, though that was kind of old. Still surprised Shuffle got licensed, though.
4. Went to a Pangya panel, purely because they had an awesome music video using KOTOKO songs. The game looks fun, I might try and play it some time. But it also seems like a waste of money, and I think there are set characters rather than customizable ones like RO so :/...
5. Went to some Anime Blogging panels. Interesting to note that my personal blog is more sophisticated in anime reviews than 99% of other anime blogs (which usually just give EVIL SPOILERS AND SCREENCAPS)
6. Went to 4chan panel. Think /b/. Enough said.
7. Amazingly, I bought stuff when I thought I told myself I would never buy stuff. BUT I FOUND 2 DOLLAR STELLVIA MANGA AND 30 DOLLAR ENTIRE SET OF GALAXY ANGEL SEASON 1 ;o; WHY MUST I BE TORMENTED LIKE THIS!!

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