Please rate the following with 1~10points for moeness and comment~
(Low~Medium~HIgh →1~5~10 )
Please use 2D as the basis of moeness. Optional: If you want to state difference between moeness in 2D and IRL
Feel free to add categories that you think are moe.
●Uniform (制服) : 7
Perhaps its more or less a concept of exoticness since in America public school students are allowed to wear whatever they want, that the moeness of school uniforms comes into being. Whatever the case school uniforms seem to be cute, most of the time. Though admittedly there are some designs which are questionable.
●Beast transformation (獸人化):4
Not a fan of catgirls or doggirls or any mammalian creature hybrid of a female human myself, however I like the concept of angels or bird-girl hybrids. The flashy wings and floating feathers must do something.
●Glasses (眼鏡) : 1
On a personal preference I strongly dislike girls with glasses, with very few exceptions (these exceptions are not characters that are my favorite in the series, either). Not that I think that they are flat out ugly but something about it makes me think they're not cute. Perhaps since I wore glasses ever since I was really young there's some indication of "that looks too much like me" in it?
Although, I think guys in anime wearing glasses is pretty cool. :V Generally what I don't like to see on girls I like to see on guy characters.
●Tsundere (ツンデレ) : 4
Generally speaking I'm not a fan of tsundere and would have given it a lower ranking had there not been some especially good tsundere characters lately (*coughClannadandLuckyStarcough*). In a way you could say I'm "tsundere against tsundere" seeing how I usually deny the moeness of tsundere but became recently more attracted to some from a few of those series.
Its very specific, however. The tsunderes I typically like are not the super loud and act-before-you-think kind, but more like those who are usually quiet or talk quite intelligently and can win you in a debate if you attempted to argue with them. Since most tsunderes seem to enjoy fighting over talking, this eliminates most tsunderes off the list.
The definition of tsundere has changed remarkably so in the last couple of years, I believe.
●Bad Guy (悪人) : 3
Very unlikely that I would like the bad guys (or girls) in a series, unless they're not truly "bad" which wouldn't make them bad guys/girls in the first place. I do think conversion of good to bad can be interesting sometimes, though.
●Maid (メイド) : 8
This is similar to schoolgirl outfit in that, because I probably don't see it often, I find it more foriegn and exotic, thus more cute. Elegance and courtesy is also a plus, including when characters speak to you so politely when its very obvious they're angry at you... I dunno why that is cute. :P
●To be looked down upon(見下される) : 1
This sounds sort of masochistic. :V WELL if the guy is incredibly stupid then maybe he deserves to be looked down upon, but generally speaking I like speaking to people on the same level. Arrogance is usually not a good trait. Except in Code Geass, where the guy I believe is truly smart enough to be arrogant.
I guess in that sense if the girl is smart enough and acts well enough then having her look down isn't a negative trait but generally if that girl is smart enough she'll be smart enough to know how to act like she's NOT looking down at you, so she can take advantage of you. :V
●Cross dressing/Unisex dressed(中性的容姿) : 4
GOOD traps are so good that in the social definition I would still classify them as girls. However you have to do a SERIOUSLY GOOD JOB (in both anime or in real life) for me to think that way. Likewise, reverse traps that are so good that they look like guys, I will classify them as guys and won't even consider them as moe.
●Blond hair with Green eyes(金髮碧眼) :7
Yes I think that would work. :V
●Small body: 8
Overall, cuter than a big body. But highly dependent on hairstyle and personality. There have been times where I admire an older onee-san like character over a more loli-ish character because of character design and personality.
●Useless guy (ダメ男):4
...Or girl? If it's something like a hikikomori girl then it signifies dependence on another, which may be cute. This sadly contradicts almost what I said with the "being look down upon" situation but I think that's mostly human nature. Maybe wanting to be depended upon is a trait naturally wanted?
●Old man/Ojisama(おじ様):1
Mostly apathetic. Can be smart at times. Not really meant for a Moe ranking and should rather be (N/A). Old Women are not attractive however.
●Loli/Shota(ロリショタ ) : 7
Falls under same category as Small Body. Except Shota is doubtful. Can be cute at times though.
●The Quiet Type (無口系): 7
A good personality to have. However, it must be *blush*/timid/shy quiet over no-emotion quiet. I am not a general fan of no-emotion quiet characters, even if they're meant for character development to have some. Also, I don't like quiet characters that wear glasses, its like it augments the un-moeness. :V
●Good job~!: 6
For symbolic interpretation I will classify those as the cheery, excited happy types (usually sporty too). Again its a personality trait that's dependent on character appearance and the type of cheeriness they possess. But generally optimism is a good thing, right?
BTW Where is the mention of hairstyle?!? The only mention is like blond hair which is cool but doesn't talk about hair length... Hair length and style is quite important in moeness as the same character with long hair can be dramatically more cuter than a character with short hair. :V
EDIT: Making a few edits.