
Perennial Midterms Rant, cont

So after the first fiasco involving my BME Physiology midterm, we had our second today and, looking back, I realized I have missed a lot of things I could have easily gotten right if I was just in focus. Once again I was overthinking one problem due to some rule that I thought was important (but now that I look back on it I should have just ignored it and I probably would have done fine), giving up time where I could have looked through my problems and corrected some really easy errors that I made. But again, its only when I look back that I think "oh, that's wrong" and realize I'm going to lose a few points not because I didn't know the material but because I rushed and made an error.

The frustration is hard to cope with. Unfortunately I can't go off campus until about 5 PM so I'll have to deal with it until then.

There's a break but there's also a lot of work coming up. Hopefully the least this midterm can do is wake me up and get me started on some things I need to do before it gets all crammed to Hell Week #2 for this semester...

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