
Pretty Cure Splash Star

On the surface, a complete rehash of the 1st season.

But then I watched it, and I think the more appropriate term is UPGRADED version of the first season. :V LET'S GO OVER THE THINGS THAT WERE WRONG WITH THE PREVIOUS SEASON AND SEE HOW THEY APPLY HERE:

-Material Propaganda. Still existent. Somewhat less cheesy, except for the whole spinning theme. Now, really?? Wtf, there's not even really any... drama in it. But this aside, lets move onto other things.
-50% of the lines in a new episode are repeated lines from the previous episode. <<< Reduced to about 10%, which is normal enough for a magical girl anime. Everyone needs the transformation scene. :x
-Mediocre art. << Ok, for whatever reason, the hairstyle for their transformed version is OUTRAGEOUS... but I got used to it. :V Aside from that, the art design is much better. And Mai is just MOEEEE.... Oh, although the two other girls, they actually look kind of creepy... :(
-Logic is where? << There is logic. Well, there is somewhat better logic, considering the fact that this is a magical girl anime. There were some parts over the series that didn't quite add up but overall it was good in the sense that for the most part it had a sensible logic. And a good sense of humor. VERY good sense of humor.
-Attacks << They improved much on this part. Two new transformations! Actual powers they can do ALONE rather than holding hands! DIFFERENT attacks they have when the hold hands! HURRAY!
-anger << Less anger. Still has the occasional "I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU" But generally it seems more acceptable. Or maybe because Mai is just so AWESOME.

Ok Mai fanboying aside, she really is like a better version of Honoka. Its quite true that the two characters are almost complete ripoffs of the first season characters, but they at least seem to stay in character (plus, they're not EXACTLY the same...). One of the things that bothered me in first season was the fact that Honoka, while cool most of the time, acted a bit OOC when she got into those more intense fights... and that didn't seem too cool to me. :(
Speaking of fights, they REALLY had better action scenes this time around. Perhaps it was just the sparkles, or perhaps they just had so much more awesome matchups. Or maybe its the addition of more super powers. Regardless, the fights were definitely much more exciting than the first season.
And included with the fights are the bad guys! The whole "blow up the giant monster" theme is still there, but the midbosses so to speak were actually quite likable. Likable in the sense that it was fun to watch them, but the watcher (at least me) didn't feel like they were getting beaten up for no reason. The second part of Pretty Cure 1st season had some bad guys I actually started feeling sorry for, and part of what irritated me was the fact that Pretty Cure seemed so ignorant of the opponent's situation, always prattling off that they're in the right. This time around, even though the oppponents are likable, Pretty Cure is still for the most part "right" in beating them up.

TL;DR Pretty Cure Splash Star was a pretty good anime.

Now moving onto Yes, Which is, apparently, something like a sailor moon clone complete with almost similar personalities and aspects of the chars (almost, not quite though). Also, cute mascot chars turning into handsome bishonen. :V WOW THEY ARE REALLY TRYING TO APPEAL TO THE FEMALE AUDIENCE AREN'T THEY.

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