
Blog Theory

Akuun randomly linked me today to an interesting blog (specifically he linked me to an entry about theory of tsundere) that, admittedly, sort of made me think for a moment, "wait, should I be blogging like this?"

The concept of blogging is, of course, up to one's discretion. No one is going to punish me (I think) that I post links to random academic science news sites with a one-liner akin to a 14 year-old's random spurts on a forum. In a way I find this amusing myself, due to the sheer irony of the situation. But as blogging communities grow and become more diverse, I think its quite custom for people to look at blogs and be like, "yes, I should be blogging like this" or "I want my blog to look something like that". This is sort of the trend I felt, temporarily, when I first saw the blog, possibly a slight uncomfortable mixture of admiration and jealousy.

Yet in the end, I think blogging should really just be what you want to blog. I began looking at all the other blogs this site links to and a majority of them are anime review site blogs; while in the beginning I wanted to do something of that sort, I sort of gave up on it later on because I was lazy it was not my main interest. Similarly there were times I wanted to write stories but I just gave up because I was lazy I felt there were other things that were of higher priority than to just "waste my time on something that's so insignificant". Although stuff like stories and long posts come out sometimes. Usually when that happens I have to write down EVERYTHING I can think of in 20 minutes before my focus is lost again.

Like this post. :V

But I digress. Looking at impressive writings on blogs is nice, although honestly I almost never read it all. Looking at short blurbs seems "casual" for lack of a better term, although they look really neat in those Japanese celebrity blogs which I can't read. Consequently now when I think about it my blog lies somewhere in between, usually consisting of random idle thoughts in one line (usually matched with a science or anime link) and the occasional ridiculous braindump that occurs when I am 1. Bored with nothing much else to do and 2. have been constantly thinking of writing it up for the last hour or longer. And when I really think about it and conceptualize it out, I wouldn't want my blog to be any better. Or more popular. (My blog does not have the concept of living or dying and I do not have an obligation to post, and I think this is in part due to my mindset of "I don't care to be popular and/or I don't want to be popular" since popularity can be a hindrance and make you develop an obligation to post sometimes although ironically I try and tell other people to make a blog/post on their blog so I have something to read while at work).

...Actually I originally wanted to talk about Moe state system equations where you can input a character and output a moe factor as a ranking number, but I digressed. :V That will have to wait for another day when I get bored.

Maybe. V:

FYI Here is the link to the blog I was talking about. My only regret is that he stopped blogging and there doesn't seem to be an opening to contact him, and talk about things. :( http://animeacademy.wordpress.com/

EDIT: Random note: Knowing that people read your blog will sometimes alter what you write, too. I've noticed this recently.


Akuun said...

It seems natural to start to write to an audience that you know is there. If you were saying something out loud in a public place to no one in particular (I know that sounds weird but imagine that it was an announcement or something), you would turn towards the people that stop and listen to you and keep talking. It's the same thing.

Enigmatic Cube said...

Unfortunately sometimes this makes you want to say something but afraid to say it, or alternatively you say something that you didn't really want to talk about.

I don't think I had any serious issues with this yet but its just a thought! :V

Akuun said...

Yup, that happens too.