
Sasameki Koto

I wasn't going to write a detailed blog post about this series, since it wasn't really the greatest thing in the world, but it was a nice watch. But after watching the series feeling amused, then looking up the manga (because I like going to the source of things), then reading a few more chapters, still pretty amused, I feel like mentioning something about the character Kazama.

Well, I think this is sort of immature and stupid-sounding stating it straight out, but... her character reminds me a lot like myself.

Of course, lets get the obvious counterarguments out of the way first.
-I'm not a girl.
-I'm not cute.
-I'm not a cute girl.
-I'm not homosexual either.
-Although I like pretty cute girls of similar type to hers I do not oogle over them (directly) as this would obviously be a bad image upon me, for the reasons that were stated above (first three)
-I'm not in high school.
-I'm not in anime.
-I don't have anyone that has a crush on me that I'm nearly oblivious to (currently, 99% sure)

That being said.

Perhaps Kazama relates to a lot of people. Or maybe her friend Murasame relates to more people, although for sure I feel like Kazama's nature is more of one I can relate to. I think it has to do with her personality and her confidence or trust in people that makes it seem that I'm similar to her.

In terms of personality, she is a character that is typically shy and quiet amongst people (sans adorably cute girls) and a person that doesn't want to hurt others, while also not wanting to hurt herself. However, even though she will put up a wall of timidity if she is around people she doesn't know, she will just as easily bring it down if she has someone she has confidence in, and will almost immediately reveal her more playful, borderline otaku nature. I purposely use the adjective "borderline otaku" since it almost feels a lot like how I act, in that, usually with people I don't really have confidence in, or people that don't understand the same hobbies as I do I won't talk too much, yet if I have a friend whom I can confide in I won't hesitate to reveal my quirky nature even if I'm in public. I'm pretty sure its a loneliness thing.

Another aspect. Kazama is the type that wants company from other people (or at the very least from those she likes), but at the same time doesn't want to feel intruding. Sometimes she will be eager to find Murasame to play with, but then sometimes she feels she was too eager and backs off. Often times when she backs off, though, she gives off the aura of loneliness, yet she doesn't complain. Its another possibly cute aspect of her, if I haven't seen it in myself a few times before...:V

Another thing is that she's pretty oblivious to things she doesn't give notice to. Of course the most obvious is Murasame's feelings, but you can sort of see the stubborn field of vision of her "cute girls" obsession, in that she rarely cares about what anyone else says, as long as she can live out her fantasies. Again, going back to before, if she has no one to confide in, she'll just keep silent about her obsessions, however, they are (of course) still there. And the fact that she will freely talk about them to people shows that she's not really concerned about others' opinion on her as much as if they'd still be with her and not leave her alone (well, I suppose that has some dependence on others' opinion, although I think as long as she has one person that will stick with her she'll be perfectly happy).

...Well, I want to say reasons why I am the same but I can't seem to do so without sounding remarkably cheesey.

Although when I come to think of this post, its already pretty cheesey in itself. :V


If I:
-were a girl, and
-had an obsession with cute girls instead of moe culture (you could ALMOST say that those are the same, but they aren't)

I'd probably be just like her. V:

...man, this was a pretty stupid post.


The Spatula said...

If it's any consolation, I found the post to be pretty interesting. I'm always curious to see people's thought processes. Of course, I personally know you so it's easy for me to see and understand the parallels that you're illustrating.

Slightly off-topic, it was interesting to compare Sasameki Koto with Aoi Hana. Murasame vs. Manjoume!

Akuun said...

I don't think it's a stretch to relate to a female character despite being male. A lot of the character traits you find yourself relating to are not necessarily linked to gender.

Actually, the fact that you can still relate to this character is probably actually a sign that she's well-written, since a character designer probably aims to make a character that is likable and relate-able to as wide an audience as possible.