
Your Community tells you what you can do


General summary for those who don't know: A guy with loli H got his materials found out by a mailman (or something), and is now getting procescuted by society around him because of it. This is commentary from his attorney.

While it seems quite intimidating that the opinions of your community around you can convict an otherwise completely innocent person, I think there is some vague basis behind this. Something along the lines of thinking that a community that believes this kind of material is bad, will let everyone know that it is bad so such an action will never come to light. At least I think that's the moral thought behind people who may think something shouldn't be allowed when there is otherwise no other hard, concrete evidence to indicate a crime.

And yet, even though we want to procescute people for reading/viewing crime-like activities, crime still exists in America? One would say we should be focusing on the prosecution of actual criminals rather than wasting time on hikikomoris that have nothing else to do but than to buy H, but I imagine that in itself is a lot harder to do. Still, it really seems paradoxial sometimes. Japan is being pressured to stop a lot of their games, while America is seemingly putting a lot of effort into this rather than an actual improvement of the crime system (unjustified, I may be wrong in this, this is just what my opinions are from what I've seen). Although on an equal effort it does seem like the anime/online community that we have ARE trying to push some effort in the opposite direction to prevent "the other side" from making everything they believe is morally wrong into an actual crime.

1 comment:

Akuun said...

I think it's a political thing. It's much easier to pick a scapegoat, blame all your problems on it and then start introducing laws and whatnot against it. It lets you put on a show, and makes you look like you're making a difference to the public, both of which produce a good image for politicians. And it's much easier than actually trying to deal with the interconnected mess of problems that lies in society.