
Yume Tsukai

Overall, a good anime. It was a bit peculiar at first, but it turns out very nicely even if the themes of the anime aren't always that clear. Mainly, in many cases when the "defeat" the dream, the problem isn't always resolved, making the viewers feel like they really didn't beat anything... but in an overall sense, in that way it seemed to portray human nature very truthfully, that not everyone becomes "good" again after they have been "saved", and some people will just be "evil" by nature (IE the boy that had dreams of dragons).

The plotline is set up much like any other old "defeat the monster with super powers" anime or show, so there really isn't much to express on it other than the ending, which reveals a lot about the characters of the show. But in terms of characters, they were flushed out pretty well. While not as thorough as Gokujo Seitokai's characters, every character has a background history that viewer learns about; this is good enough for me, since lately a lot of characters just show up with a name and that's it. It bothers me when people introduce 12 important-looking characters and never say anything about their origins and whatnot, just give them a couple insignificant scenes in the anime and make them leave. I'm not asking for people to explain the history of every person in a crowd that the main character walks by, but for those that seem to reappear and be of importance to the story, at least tell something about them...

But that's digressing. Besides character, the music is rather... strange, much like the anime. It certainly has a different sort of melody than most other songs I hear these days, whether it be American or Japanese. It doesn't sound too bad.

The animation is also not bad, save for the little girl that seems to have her eyes crossed all the time. Other than that, most of the time the animation is good. Touko looks quite charming, and her younger form is even more charming...

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