
The "Instrument" Story of Engi, in IM + RPGwannabe format

I apologize for the length and excessive... excess stuff. This is mostly just to keep it somewhere, anyway, and not really for anyone to read. If this person ever makes a nicer story version out of this, then I'll post that for everyone to read. It would sure be a helluvalot better than this. :p

iatentdead: have you ever considered making an rpg?
TheMysteriousBox: I have a plethora of ideas
iatentdead: *is too lazy to*
TheMysteriousBox: but I never make them
TheMysteriousBox: not necessarily becuse i'm lazy, more because I know I probably wouldn't keep it up
TheMysteriousBox: that, and I lack BSing skills
iatentdead: im just afraid to start it and then lose interest
TheMysteriousBox: lol
TheMysteriousBox: I thoguth for a while that if you ever watned to start an rpg
TheMysteriousBox: I could give you ideas
TheMysteriousBox: and you can bs on it
iatentdead: LOL
iatentdead: it would be
iatentdead: and
TheMysteriousBox: hey it would work :p
iatentdead: wait for the next RPG downtime
TheMysteriousBox: yup
iatentdead: right now the forum is 'booming'
TheMysteriousBox: want to know some ideas anyway :p
iatentdead: sure
TheMysteriousBox: I had them floating around in my head anyway
TheMysteriousBox: although some of them need some fitting into RPG, but I could figure something if I really thought about it
TheMysteriousBox: or maybe you I don't know
TheMysteriousBox: one has to do with instruments that transform into weapons, and mainly came from a char I had made up a while ago
TheMysteriousBox: the general plotline went something like
TheMysteriousBox: in one "universe" or dimension, there's been a phenomenal discovery on making "minidimensions" that act like little universes on their own
TheMysteriousBox: and people could watch them like they watch TVs
iatentdead: o.o
iatentdead: *making* universes?
iatentdead: anyone could do this?
TheMysteriousBox: however people began to suspect that peopel are developing ways to travel and move into these kind of dimensions, and even "storing" things
TheMysteriousBox: no not anyone
TheMysteriousBox: more like
TheMysteriousBox: only one laboratory
TheMysteriousBox: has that technology, and its top secret
TheMysteriousBox: but anyway, people are beginning to think they're doing thing more than just watching dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: but instead "storing weapons" so to speak within them
iatentdead: so this labis evil
iatentdead: lab is*
TheMysteriousBox: no
TheMysteriousBox: not really, the lab people are actually good guys I think :x
TheMysteriousBox: but it makes for a cool plotline anyway
TheMysteriousBox: anyway its the government that's evil
TheMysteriousBox: and wants the weapons for themselves
TheMysteriousBox: so they kill all the lab people and try to get access to the dimensions, but can't
iatentdead: they're the ones spreading the evil rumours?
iatentdead: but there are survivors rom the lab
iatentdead: or close relations
iatentdead: who want to know the truth
TheMysteriousBox: yes
iatentdead: from*
TheMysteriousBox: well its a bit complicated
TheMysteriousBox: because the stories actually revolve around the people inside the dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: and less around the dimension that created them
TheMysteriousBox: let me tell you more
TheMysteriousBox: one character, a daughter of one of the lab professors (of course, I know, very cliche)
TheMysteriousBox: was the lats one to be killed
TheMysteriousBox: and how she was killed was rather unique
TheMysteriousBox: imagine this large weird machine in the center of the lab
TheMysteriousBox: and it has like, a globe with a bunch of screens that show different dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: when she got shot and died, she fell like, into that globe place
TheMysteriousBox: and as she did, her blood sort of like, "flowed weirdly" into the globey thingy
TheMysteriousBox: and became something like doves made of light
TheMysteriousBox: now the characters, and what they exactly do
iatentdead: so shes *in* the dimensions? o_O
TheMysteriousBox: yea, she sorta flowed into the dimensions
iatentdead: in different guises
iatentdead: in each one theres a differnt type of her
TheMysteriousBox: actually I wanted only one
TheMysteriousBox: so maybe just one dove thingy :x
TheMysteriousBox: is anything weird or unclear right now?
TheMysteriousBox: well ok
TheMysteriousBox: the whole thing is werid
TheMysteriousBox: but unclear?
iatentdead: i thought you were going to do something with lots of her in lots of different dimensions
iatentdead: hats about it
TheMysteriousBox: maybeeee something like that
TheMysteriousBox: but about the dimensions and the characters
TheMysteriousBox: each character, if you haven't figured out, has an instrument
TheMysteriousBox: that they can play unusually well for their dimension
iatentdead: WHOO AIR GUITAR
TheMysteriousBox: apparently this instrument is actually
iatentdead: ...sounds a bit like a band RPG though
TheMysteriousBox: the weapon that they designed
iatentdead: 'they'?
TheMysteriousBox: lab ppls
iatentdead: they designed one for each dimension?
TheMysteriousBox: one reason they designed them as instruments is, well, if you have an unusual huge scary superweapon in a dimension, it would be... odd
iatentdead: but why disguise as an instrument?
iatentdead: i mean
iatentdead: it could be a
iatentdead: pencil
TheMysteriousBox: and its more like, two per dimension
TheMysteriousBox: it could be, but imagine how much more complicated
TheMysteriousBox: it would make things as an RPG, and plus, instruments are cool
iatentdead: "stylistic reasons"
TheMysteriousBox: exactly
TheMysteriousBox: people tend to think instruments and music as being somewhat mystical in a way
iatentdead: we'd need a bassist, a percussionist, a lead guitarist
TheMysteriousBox: I was thinking more orchestra :x
TheMysteriousBox: in any case
iatentdead: would there be 'microphones' for lead vocalists
TheMysteriousBox: one of things I really wanted to emphasize most about it was the dimensions themselves
TheMysteriousBox: each char (or two) would come from a dimension with a completely different background
TheMysteriousBox: and an instrument that would fit that background
iatentdead: since these dimensions are made, it would have been made from the whim of the lab ppl wouldn it?
TheMysteriousBox: ah you're touching upon another point
TheMysteriousBox: that I was going to make later
TheMysteriousBox: all the character that would participate
TheMysteriousBox: and are weilders of the wapons
TheMysteriousBox: are clones of the lab people
TheMysteriousBox: technically this would not be known
TheMysteriousBox: until later in the RPG
TheMysteriousBox: so they're designed after themselves
iatentdead: OOH I KNOW
iatentdead: they could
TheMysteriousBox: and in a way, the RPG would progress so that they learn more about their counterpart
iatentdead: who the lab people really wanted to be
TheMysteriousBox: yea
TheMysteriousBox: that too
iatentdead: fragments of dreams
TheMysteriousBox: its who they dreamed
TheMysteriousBox: they wished they were
iatentdead: *insert romantic philosophical stuff here*
TheMysteriousBox: I really did want it to be along those lines
iatentdead: tagline: "remember some of your dreams?"
TheMysteriousBox: now when you think about it
TheMysteriousBox: that girl that I was talking about that dies
TheMysteriousBox: she has a clone too
iatentdead: the dove?
TheMysteriousBox: yes
iatentdead: would that clone be extra special in any way
TheMysteriousBox: supposedly, yes
TheMysteriousBox: first off
TheMysteriousBox: the dove in itself
TheMysteriousBox: sort of provides a key
TheMysteriousBox: that allows the people who have the instruments
TheMysteriousBox: to move from dimension to dimension
TheMysteriousBox: so the dove kind of have to meet up with them in order for them to move
iatentdead: so the dove is the clone
TheMysteriousBox: no :p
iatentdead: its a clone in dove form?
TheMysteriousBox: the dove is the original's spirit
TheMysteriousBox: the clone is in another dimension
TheMysteriousBox: and looks exactly like the original before she died
iatentdead: but
iatentdead: what would these clones do
iatentdead: how would they get into the 'maker's' dimension
TheMysteriousBox: well one of the reasons the dove wants to warn them
TheMysteriousBox: is because they're kind of like after these guy's weapons
TheMysteriousBox: a little more on the weapons
TheMysteriousBox: the character that has the weapon
TheMysteriousBox: they could have discovered their power already
TheMysteriousBox: or it could ahve still been innate
TheMysteriousBox: for thsoe who discoverd the power,they're something like superheroes
TheMysteriousBox: in their dimension
iatentdead: what happens if the government is watching all this >_>
TheMysteriousBox: which they probably are
TheMysteriousBox: they're trying to go after them though
TheMysteriousBox: that's supposedly where the plot I dunno, breaks down :p
TheMysteriousBox: theoretically its like you said
TheMysteriousBox: its supposed to be romantic, and have the chars discover their "true" selves
TheMysteriousBox: and then ponder about themselves, if they are just dreams and made up
iatentdead: so its mainly an introspection RPG
TheMysteriousBox: and that, everything they knew was fabricated
iatentdead: but those usually dont hold up very well
iatentdead: without a so called plot
TheMysteriousBox: its like, if you found out you're just part of a book, and taken out of the story
TheMysteriousBox: yup
TheMysteriousBox: which is why I said it needs work
iatentdead: at least half the cast would emo
TheMysteriousBox: obviously :p
TheMysteriousBox: it was more from a fanfic idea
iatentdead: just to be contrary i probably wouldnt -_-
TheMysteriousBox: but it was the one that fits more appropriate
TheMysteriousBox: to an RPG
iatentdead: ngrrrh
iatentdead: do you know
TheMysteriousBox: I mean, you kinda read my THomas story
TheMysteriousBox: I think :x
TheMysteriousBox: do I know?
iatentdead: yeah, a bit of it
iatentdead: do you know about weasel's Nexus RPG
iatentdead: its another RPG with dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: the one she advertised? :p
iatentdead: only its a straight up 'dungeon crawler' type
TheMysteriousBox: I was really thinking about doing something aside from dimensions
iatentdead: you could maybe combine yours with hers
iatentdead: yah
TheMysteriousBox: because it made things 100000millionx complicated
TheMysteriousBox: if you tell her my idea, maybe :P
iatentdead: especially making em and how to get in and out and etc..
iatentdead: i was a bit worried about ehrs
iatentdead: like, how to get things continues
iatentdead: continued*
TheMysteriousBox: RPG FUSION!!
iatentdead: since the current premise is... dungeoncrawler
TheMysteriousBox: but yea, things with plotlines are hard with multiple characters
TheMysteriousBox: like, the story I have for Thomas
TheMysteriousBox: wouldn't work
iatentdead: yeah
TheMysteriousBox: because I don't know how the chars would play out
iatentdead: you'd have to get
iatentdead: people who'd play exactly like you want them to
TheMysteriousBox: I have another idea but it was less original
iatentdead: thats why need lots of discussion ><
TheMysteriousBox: its still rather fun though :p
iatentdead: and a set number of players
iatentdead: what idea
TheMysteriousBox: it involved elements :p
TheMysteriousBox: and basically
iatentdead: ack~
iatentdead: xD
TheMysteriousBox: combining elements to make new ones XD
TheMysteriousBox: the general idea was
TheMysteriousBox: There are the (lame) four main elements
TheMysteriousBox: and they combined their power sort of
TheMysteriousBox: to make 6 "new" elements
TheMysteriousBox: that had unique powers
TheMysteriousBox: and they could combine their power too to make a lot more
TheMysteriousBox: and 2nd generation is rather interesting
TheMysteriousBox: 1st generation is the lame fire,water, wind, earth
iatentdead: how would you combine?
TheMysteriousBox: 2nd generation is life, ice, electricity, steel, sand, and
TheMysteriousBox: oh right
TheMysteriousBox: steam
TheMysteriousBox: or mist
TheMysteriousBox: life = water + earth
TheMysteriousBox: ice = wind + water
TheMysteriousBox: sand = earth + wind
TheMysteriousBox: mist = water + fire
iatentdead: right, but who'd represent these elements
iatentdead: or combine em
TheMysteriousBox: the story I had goes like
TheMysteriousBox: there are four main elemental guardians that picked for hosts
TheMysteriousBox: now the guardians are fighting against each other for this competition
TheMysteriousBox: conveniently the competition allows them to beat up "monsters" in the world so they're actually saving the world
TheMysteriousBox: but they're kind of collecting the power from the monsters so that in the end they can battle each other for some prize
TheMysteriousBox: ok where do the 1st generation come in?
TheMysteriousBox: as cheesey as it sounds
TheMysteriousBox: whenever two main guardians are in conflict
TheMysteriousBox: and do some kind of powerful attack
TheMysteriousBox: it has a chance of mixing together and forming into a person that happens to be nearby
iatentdead: so the 'person' is actually the entity
TheMysteriousBox: yes and becomes the new element thingy
TheMysteriousBox: this is remarkably cheesey, BUT in an RPG standpoint
TheMysteriousBox: it would bekinda intesesting
TheMysteriousBox: because you can have four main element people to be determined
TheMysteriousBox: but then the rest 6
TheMysteriousBox: will be determined as the RPG goes along
TheMysteriousBox: rather than having people pick which element they are
TheMysteriousBox: the only way they can kinda get the element they want is to be closely related to the host
TheMysteriousBox: or two, of one that they want
TheMysteriousBox: even then its still all up by chance, and plotline
TheMysteriousBox: however, I must admit, this is a cheesey way of getting a new power :p
iatentdead: and you'd need lots of people..
iatentdead: actually ive been wondernig
TheMysteriousBox: I didn't plan
TheMysteriousBox: for the 2nd generation to actually work
iatentdead: how do successful rpgs end :o
TheMysteriousBox: but I was busy trying to make one anyway
iatentdead: cos
iatentdead: its either you have a plot, but so many people in your rpg you can't keep a handle on it
iatentdead: or so few people, you cant really get on with the RP
iatentdead: although its theoretically possible to finish an RP with 3/4 players
TheMysteriousBox: in terms of the element RPG, it could actually work as the four main elements, given that they're actually devoted
iatentdead: (which is how most of them finished)
TheMysteriousBox: and the others can be side chars
iatentdead: what about the uh 6 other people
TheMysteriousBox: they can be side chars, OR
TheMysteriousBox: they can prove to be someone major
TheMysteriousBox: its of course up to them
iatentdead: the instrument one is more interesting though
TheMysteriousBox: yea
TheMysteriousBox: I like my instrument thing
TheMysteriousBox: helluva complicated htough
iatentdead: its not too bad, though I think people like Roy will have problems digesting it
iatentdead: good, since it means he wont join
iatentdead: its just the plot thing
TheMysteriousBox: well isolate him in a single dimension if that's the case
TheMysteriousBox: at first I'd have hope that maybe something like
TheMysteriousBox: the government does something so that it disrupts all their dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: and work from there
TheMysteriousBox: dunno how that would work either though
TheMysteriousBox: this would work awesomely as an anime if I had lived in japan :-(
iatentdead: we'd need government players
iatentdead: submit it to kyoto animation >D
TheMysteriousBox: no I'd have to write a book about it and have it be the #1 top hit in japan first
iatentdead: with moe illustrations
TheMysteriousBox: of course the central dove char and her clone will be moe
iatentdead: yes
iatentdead: its a requirement
iatentdead: in any case, it makes for better graphics
iatentdead: i'm surprised, haruhi isnt a really moe character
TheMysteriousBox: she's tsundere
iatentdead: its nagato and mikuru that are the moe spinoffs
iatentdead: i like tsunderes, they're funny ^^;;
TheMysteriousBox: hummm
TheMysteriousBox: silly tsunderes
iatentdead: are there any tsunderes in kanon
TheMysteriousBox: Kawasumi Mai, and Makoto
TheMysteriousBox: would probably classify most
TheMysteriousBox: on a few more notes about the instrument thing (yes I thought about it probably way too much)
TheMysteriousBox: the instruments themselves, sort of represent what weapon they make
TheMysteriousBox: although obviously this is imposible for every instrument, I kinda thought they would have some linkage
TheMysteriousBox: ideas that I thought up were that, the Keys of a piano would represent different daggers; a violin with its bow is like a sword a shield; an electric guitar is like a photon ray gun :p
TheMysteriousBox: and somehow a drum bass set turns into this gundam mech thing
TheMysteriousBox: but that really needs a lot of imagination and some of my ideas probably don't make sense to you :p
iatentdead: o.o
iatentdead: the piano one is ok
iatentdead: but i thought a violin would be a
iatentdead: bow
iatentdead: and arrows?
iatentdead: flute = blowpipe
TheMysteriousBox: hmm
TheMysteriousBox: violin can be bow and arrow too
TheMysteriousBox: or maybe something a cello :p
TheMysteriousBox: actually the wepaon type
TheMysteriousBox: also is determined by what dimension they come from
TheMysteriousBox: so you're not going to get like
TheMysteriousBox: a photon cannon in a roman/greek era dimenison
iatentdead: you mean its like
iatentdead: japanese dimension
iatentdead: tribal dimension
iatentdead: alien dimension
iatentdead: etc
TheMysteriousBox: yup
TheMysteriousBox: I had a plotline sort of
TheMysteriousBox: my plotline had my character with the piano, the character's sister which had violin
TheMysteriousBox: in the 1700 england classical era dimension
TheMysteriousBox: another character that had electric guitar and bass drums in a futuristic and technologically advanced dimension
TheMysteriousBox: and then a character with a flute and a char with a harp
TheMysteriousBox: the flute turned into a staff, while the harp was one of those stringy weapons
TheMysteriousBox: that people weild and like, cut things up with using invisible strings :x
TheMysteriousBox: anyway that was something like a medievil dimension
iatentdead: *is imagining erhu and guzhen in chinese dimension*
TheMysteriousBox: who what?
iatentdead: erhu is a chinese cello i think..
TheMysteriousBox: oh those weapons
TheMysteriousBox: eer
iatentdead: guzhen is a chinese i dunno what
TheMysteriousBox: instruemnts >.>
iatentdead: it sounds like guitar
TheMysteriousBox: yea I knwo waht you're talking about
TheMysteriousBox: lol I saw a chinese martial arts movie
TheMysteriousBox: where there was some mystical demon girl that used one as a weapon XD
iatentdead: my mom wanted to play guzhen once, and erhu i learnt from listening to a Do as Infinity song >.<
TheMysteriousBox: zomg she plucked things and circly projectile things flew out!
iatentdead: did you watch kung fu hustle?!
iatentdead: was that kung fu hustle?
TheMysteriousBox: I dunno, it was some other show :x
TheMysteriousBox: my parents were wtaching it
TheMysteriousBox: I don't think it was kung fu hustle because it was like,a serious martial arts
iatentdead: awww
TheMysteriousBox: although the instrument thing was funny
iatentdead: i cant watch serious ones
iatentdead: boring
iatentdead: condor heroes was ok but that was cos it was a bit funny
TheMysteriousBox: I have like, 0 knowledge on chinese martial arts, even though my parenst watch it all the time
TheMysteriousBox: but then again they know nothing about anime, so it fits
TheMysteriousBox: haha, so just to finish up on the instrument thing, I got the idea when I somehow wanted to imagine a fight scene whenever I listend to a song
TheMysteriousBox: any song :x
TheMysteriousBox: and it kinda works in my weird brain
iatentdead: you know, if this was an idea for an anime, it would be really cool
iatentdead: each episode would be featuring a diferent song
iatentdead: though lack of vocals is a bummer
TheMysteriousBox: yes, I seem to make
TheMysteriousBox: a lot of ideas for anime
TheMysteriousBox: probably because I watch too much
TheMysteriousBox: but with my position, I can't really do much to progress D:
TheMysteriousBox: btw
TheMysteriousBox: the whole dove girl
TheMysteriousBox: her "weapon" is supposed to be her voice
iatentdead: boom vocalist!
TheMysteriousBox: yup :p
iatentdead: i'm a sucky plot-maker, im only good at finding out things that are wrong with other people's plots LOL
TheMysteriousBox: her story in her dimension is, strangely enough, she's an android that can feel things
TheMysteriousBox: like, chii!
TheMysteriousBox: from Chobits!
TheMysteriousBox: or any other anime that generically has an emotional robot
iatentdead: GITS?
iatentdead: though that was a human brain in a robot
TheMysteriousBox: GITS?
iatentdead: ghost in the shell]
TheMysteriousBox: oh
TheMysteriousBox: I never watched that :p
TheMysteriousBox: but you know the genre
TheMysteriousBox: but it comes from only one dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: so its ok
TheMysteriousBox: other dimensions are other cliches of other anime
TheMysteriousBox: like, a magical girl dimension
iatentdead: ugh... roy
iatentdead: and an Edo-era dimension
iatentdead: frankly though I'd pinch the erhu idea and go for a kungfu dimension
TheMysteriousBox: yea kung fu
TheMysteriousBox: or samurai
TheMysteriousBox: lol
TheMysteriousBox: roy in a magical girl dimension
TheMysteriousBox: ROTFL
iatentdead: he would so love it
iatentdead: ...its a bit worrying
iatentdead: considering he has a girlfriend (apparently)
TheMysteriousBox: he does? that's new
TheMysteriousBox: I thoguht he broke up
TheMysteriousBox: its ok
TheMysteriousBox: if he becomes problematic like I said
TheMysteriousBox: isolate him in some random dimension
iatentdead: dont think he'd join though
iatentdead: the plot is not straightforward enough
TheMysteriousBox: hmm thinking
iatentdead: you could maybe run it as an RPG till that 'truth' about the clones is revealed, and then finish it and ask people if they wanna fanfiction the epilogue
TheMysteriousBox: except I'd never write the fanfic D:
iatentdead: make them write their own epilogues!
TheMysteriousBox: LOL
iatentdead: it would be a sequel
iatentdead: some would be too emo to continue
iatentdead: so BYE BYE to them
TheMysteriousBox: that was supposed to be my main char's sister's role, to get all messed up and confused at the whole thing
iatentdead: although still have to think of a premise for the second part
TheMysteriousBox: and then somehow turn to the government's side
TheMysteriousBox: because evil things mess with emo people
iatentdead: "its better for all of us if i do this"
iatentdead: lblahblahblah
iatentdead: you could make them try to assimilate into the lab workers' families
TheMysteriousBox: something that was supposed to go along was
TheMysteriousBox: the sister character in the main dimension is actaully alve
TheMysteriousBox: and the main sister char can use the weapon just like the clone could
TheMysteriousBox: btw the clone sister eventually was in some kind of mind control zombie state after a while :p
TheMysteriousBox: so that's the reason for it, anyway
iatentdead: maybe the lab worker never told his sister he made a 'perfect' version of her
TheMysteriousBox: well obviously she wasn't perfect
TheMysteriousBox: but I kinda imagined the two sisters to be rather contrasting despite being clones
iatentdead: MAN THE ANGST
TheMysteriousBox: the cloned sister, coming from like a historical background, would be all pretty with a nice dress and stuff
TheMysteriousBox: the original I thought more had a tomboyish and tsundere look :p
TheMysteriousBox: the instrument thing I always imagined as being rather angsty
TheMysteriousBox: its music, its emotion, music lives on angst half the time
iatentdead: there's happy poppy music..
iatentdead: the clone is the lab worker's impression of his sister
iatentdead: poor, obsessed lab worker ><
iatentdead: is this a siscon thing?
TheMysteriousBox: NO IT ISN"T D:
TheMysteriousBox: dammit!
TheMysteriousBox: the character I think was attracted to the main dove girly
TheMysteriousBox: and happy poppy music would kinda fit roy, so maybe not
TheMysteriousBox: although it would work for cool battle scenes
TheMysteriousBox: maybe the sister thing was more of a "damn I wish I didn't work in this lab and had a peaceful life with my family" type thing
iatentdead: devoted brother
TheMysteriousBox: So anyway to add to the angst, the two guys from the future are brothers, and the younger brother (has electric guitar) has a crush on the sister
iatentdead: i can just see older devoted brother going STAY THE F*** AWAY FROM MY SISTER
TheMysteriousBox: he actually doesn't care too much :x
iatentdead: aw damn
TheMysteriousBox: although he might be alittle bit annoyed if some guy from the future with a whacked up hairstyle and looked rather dangerous
TheMysteriousBox: with a electric guitar ray gun
TheMysteriousBox: but its short lived :x
TheMysteriousBox: the older brother is a blatant cameo type character of Prof. Jb Wolf's old characters
TheMysteriousBox: so anyway its midnight, I shoudl sleep since I have class tomorrow
iatentdead: i should be doing work >_>
iatentdead: but its boring work..
iatentdead: prof does noble characters i think
TheMysteriousBox: if you ever feel like BSing something, I would be forever greatful if you made this buncha mess into something prettyish
TheMysteriousBox: noblish = honorable but stupid?
iatentdead: umm yah
TheMysteriousBox: yup I agree
TheMysteriousBox: I'm going to post this in my blog for convenience, any qualms?
iatentdead: wait till RPG downtime and we both have even less to do than we already have
TheMysteriousBox: as far as I know Roy doesn't read my blog
iatentdead: soemthing might grow out of this
iatentdead: he did mine once, it was scary
iatentdead: okles pokles go ahead and post it
iatentdead: and when we're both bored we'll get on with it


A few series I picked up on

This will be brief, and mainly just to emphasize what people might be interested in and what series people should avoid.

Mamoru-kun ni Migami no Shukufuku wo!: A horrible series. Rediculously stupid concept, extremely cliche and predictable lines, another impossible "cute girl that can do everything falls in love with dorky looking boy" scenario. I don't suggest anyone to watch it unless they like the art (the art and character design is decent enough). Even the music and the intro is worst I've ever seen.

La Cordo D'oro: A Reverse Harem/Shojo anime. Kind of like a serious Ouran Host Club involving a music school and faries. I find it interesting because its not often in anime (at least, not yet) that one finds such an anime like this which gives different representations of male personalities (since I like to analyze/relate to characters in Anime) so this one doesn't look so bad. It is, at least, not horribly intolerable as some more shonenai-type anime... if anyone enjoys watching bishonen type anime like Ouran this one is pretty good.

Soukou no Strain: A mech series. Not terribly original but it fares well, I suppose, since I can't really predict what's going to happen... I'll see how it goes, assuming it doesn't get licensed or anything (I think its a good chance it could get licensed, kinda like how Coyote Ragtime Show got licensed so I just dropped it :p).

Nodame Cantabile: The best series I've started, yet. The artwork design is not typical anime/CGish type quality, but the concept, characters, story (of episode 1 anyway) and music all make up for it. I'm really liking this anime; its like Honey and Clover in a sense but in a music school instead of an art school, which I feel I can relate to more (since I've had some piano playing experience) than to an art school. Excellent series I think many people would like.

Manabi Straight: A highly otaku/loli-esque show. I don't reccomend it to anyone except for people who like watching anime as eyecandy. The whole purpose of the series is most likely going to be eyecandy, elementary grade school loli eyecandy at that. But if you're one that likes those sort of shows.... this anime is kind of tasty :d.


Strawberry Panic

Overall this is a remarkably good romance anime. Although initially I was a bit skeptical at the whole show being rather "overexpressive" in the girls' relationships, after thinking for a bit I thought that this may actually be rather appropriate. This is because that I have heard (not truly read or watched) that romance novels women usually read, as well as various shonenai shows that girls would be a fan of, are typically quite lucid in themselves; however, the fans typically back these perversed stories up by saying the story is remarkably better than anything perverse that, say, a guy would go after. I think Strawberry Panic is definately around that sort of area. It's very likely still aimed at men (and maybe a small population of homosexual women), but the format of it is smooth and "romantic", not like other romance comedies or whatnot that bluntly puts a girl in an uncomfortable position just to satisfy the watcher's needs. So, in spite of this quirk I had against the show at first, I could somewhat see why it would be like that.
In other regards of the anime, many of the characters and their relationship stories are quite deep and flushed out. I think that since there are absolutely no guys in this anime, relationships are more free-flowing since there is no gender barrier that these characters must go through, so anyone can have a relationship, so to speak, with anyone else in the school. Many of the characters portrayed in the show are typical stereotypes of different girls, ranging from the cool "I'm almost a guy" type character to the cute first-year lolis. Overall, I liked all the characters. I also like how the show presented some characters as mischievous and distasteful in the beginning, but as they begin to close the series, showed that they're nice people too. Every character, even though they represent typical stereotypes, has their own personality and depth to them, and that's what I like about character variation anime like Strawberry Panic.
I also liked the music from this show. Not just the opening and endings (the ending music videos were kind of weird though), but the background music for most of the show is rather light hearted and simple, something resembling that of the Baroque era in music... simple, classical, uncomplicated. Regardless, its nice enough to listen to it, different from various OSTs that usually have fast paced songs followed by ominous "the devil is coming" music (well, ones that I have anyway). I'll have to look into the OSTs.
How do I think of the characters? Well, I think that in terms of character design, Aoi Nagisa's hairstyle is just horrible. I really didn't like how she looked when she first came to the school in that old-school uniform outfit... I thought the other characters such as Tamao-chan and that little girl (I forgot her name) that helps them out... I like that little girl the best and all her other 1st year friends are awesome too :3 (or are they second year? I forgot by now).
I think that, for many of the characters, the friend vs. lover conflict is pretty powerful (in many cases, there is the friend who is actually in love with her friend but her friend loves someone else). They make the thematic conflict rather dramatic, especially at the end of the episode which just bursts out with such romantic drama; appropriate, though in my personal opinion, something I would never ever want to do nor have it be done to me...
In all conclusion, Strawberry Panic is just romance, romance and romance. A bit of comedy, a lot of drama, but overall the odd romances of girls stuck in an all girls school. I'm thinking this wouldn't really happen in real life since there ARE guys that exist in the world but perhaps I am wrong and the girls, mostly isolated from the rest of the world and whatever male population it may have, can only turn their romantic expessions to themselves. I liked the show though, for its strong emphasis on romance, character, and plot, rather than other-like series which focuses more on blatant fanservice.
Speaking of such a series, I believe I need to look into Mariamite or that other christian-girl-school anime that seemed to develop popularity over the last two years or so. I think the series is quite similar to this one.


Karin, Kamisama Kazukou

I recently finished two anime series: Karin and Kamisama Kazukou (I think that's how you spell it).

Karin: Defies logic even when applied to vampires. Sure, one person may think that vampires is already stretching the sense of reality and logic in an anime, but this anime makes even a world of vampires seem illogical. Biologically speaking, if there is a "vampire species" that uses blood in its diet, then spewing an excess amount of blood as a biological anomalty is impossible; at best, it would probably be fatal at birth, or whenever their "puberty" thing with the vampires sets in. Think of it this way; a human doesn't vomit on a completely empty stomach, that is, it doesn't produce vomit without intaking something first. Ok, one may say, but Karin still eats human food, and maybe that's why she is able to produce blood? And the vampire instincts are just inherited? This may be a feasible argument, but conclude how much food and neutrients she must produce to avoid the loss of blood each time she "nosebleeds". That's assuming that she has a superhuman body that can immediately convert food into neutrients and then blood. She would also need an abnormally high breathing rate to keep her body from being deoxygenated... but we can assume that she has a superhuman body because she's a vampire. She STILL needs to consume a HUGE amount of food, which probably wouldn't cover expenses covered by her family AND she shows no signs of being hungry all the time, though she does show evidence of being capable to eat a lot. It just strikes me as being rediculously impossible even for a vampire, this Karin show; the fact that I still cannot express my points clearly is rather vexing. I will need to work on it more.
Regardless of the lack of logic in this anime, it proves to be somewhat amusing at times. Although I think they overemphasize at it trying to be an ecchi series through the opening, I'm glad it isn't mainly ecchi but just lame humor, which is always enough to amuse me. Everything else about the anime is pretty mediocre. Even though the little sister Anju is cute, she isn't like others which you just squeal "MOEEE" when you see them, to me... Hmm well actually I thought that green haired girl was cool. :3

Kamisama Kazukou: Another rather mediocre anime that defies logic, but I won't go into the details for this one; I'll leave this up to any enraged theist believing this anime is a mocking of religion. In terms of plotline, this anime is pretty loose up until the end where they only loosely link the different "stories" for each plot together; even then, its rather confusing with the whole "this person only has memories of this" "that person went back in time so no one remembers anything but him" issues. I think the characters were pretty stupid, shallow, and dense-headed but as long as they make me laugh I suppose that doesn't matter. The character designs were mediocre, but not anti-moe... (weird word, anti-moe?)

Now I'll probably finish up Strawberry Panic. This anime seems to have a strong innuendo against the French and seems to be more perverted than some-- Wait I think I'll leave it at the whole French part.



...well, not really, a slight exaggeration. But it changed a lot and I couldn't figure out where my old teachers were. :( I was sad as I was carrying around a math book to give to my math teacher but I never found her... D:
Apparently the school got in a good lump of money and finished their construction. It was remarkably clean and nice; even the bathrooms seemed new and not disgusting like they used to be. I'm quite amazed and a bit jealous that the students going to COHS now have such better facilities then when I went to the school, when our governor cut like 99.9% of public school funding... ok not really, but still. They have cool science labs! How I was deprived of cool science labs when I was a high school student :( well, now I'm working like 40 hours a week in lab, so I suppose there was time to make up for it.
Other observations: The population seems to remain mostly white and hispanic. I didn't really see many Asians or African-Americans back at COHS. Additionally, a lot of gothics in the high school population. This isn't unusual since it was similar when I was in high school, but I think the number increased. I suppose its mostly a trend thing, since the gothics look pretty distasteful and I'm not sure why anyone would want to be that way. Of course, they COULD be tasteful, like, loligothika kind of gothic, but most aren't loli nor moe so it doesn't really fit. :/Silly high school students.
COHS IS SHORT ON PHYSICS TEACHERS!! Apparently from information from my chemistry teacher, all the physics teachers they've had didn't last long. It sort of reminds me of the Defense against the Dark Arts teachers in Harry Potter, where they'd be in for a year, do something that screws up their position, then a new one comes the next year, and repeats the process. I think they're really looking for a good Physics teacher right now. I wonder where I could find one. >.> <.<

In other news I started watching Code Geass. Watching a CLAMP-Mecha anime is like a great irony in itself, since you don't typically see CLAMP doing Gundam... this seems amusing enough to watch, and of course the mysterious girl always makes it worthy to watch... the mysterious girl that's designed by CLAMP :D


Overview of my Classes

So while I'm sitting here recovering SP on my bard, I figured I'll go over a brief overview of my classes this semester.

Biochemistry- The "main course" of the semester, so to speak. Like Ochem of last semester, this is the course that I'm going to be most devoted to the entire semester. Right now they're just going over review stuff, though. Such as drilling into our heads for the millionth time that Evolution exists and our cells ate bacteria that we now call Mitochondria... memorizing structures is going to take quite a bit of work though.
Cell Biology- THERE ARE ONLY TWO TESTS AND THAT'S IT. ONE MIDTERM, ONE FINAL, BOTH WORTH THE SAME AMOUNT OF POINTS. I'M SO FREAKIN SCARED OF THIS CLASS. :( Aside from that, the content seems really interesting to me. Too bad half your grade is dependent on one test you take.
Computer Simulation for BME- I really haven't gotten immersion into this class to know how it will go. I'm hoping it will be fairly easy so I don't have to focus on it too much, but then again people said EE was easy and I had really hard time with it... well oh well. We'll see how it goes.
Topics in Neuroscience: This could be the funnest GE I have to take. This could be the most work in a GE class that I have to do. This could be both. I anticipate the future.
Honors Seminar: Same as the year before. Not much to talk about here.
Lab: Same as I have been doign pretty much for the lats year except now I have to write a report about it. Greeeaattt :/

On side notes, I have a 3 exam week once in my schedule, and two of them are on the same day. To make things worse, one of those exams on the same day is my Cell Biology exam... This year will be fun...


A Church made of Wood and Planks...

I thought I would post this up really quickly before I lose all sense of my intelligence from 4chan and Bikko.

Earlier in one of my Biology classes (Actually of the General Education required Bio class, so technically it doesn't really count as a "bio" class according to my major but it still seems interesting and difficult enough to classify as decent Bio class for this year, I think) one of our teachers made a very interesting analogy. He said that we cannot determine "Holism", that is, using small parts of a problem to conclude a "larger picture" problem, and used the concept of a church to emphasize his point. He states that the church is made of wood and planks; if one just determined that there were wood and planks in the church, they would be missing out on a lot of information, such as the people worshipping there, the type of community, etc... basically, missing the essential function of the church. What I think he was trying to do is tell us that Neurobiology and neurons are like the wood and planks, and while useful in analyzing singularly, not useful in analyzing the whole brain, and therefore psychology comes into play. I think he did this to emphasize that psychology is just as important in Neuroscience as biology is.
I think though that the analogy needs a little adjusting. Rather than saying the wood and planks are the neurons, I believe the wood and planks are in fact, just atoms within the neuron; if we are keeping the brain as the church itself, then what are the neurons? The neurons are structures that the wood and planks form into, not necessarily the whole church, but parts of it. For example, if one finds a Cross, a couple of wooden benches, and then a glass window with a picture of Mary instead of the whole church, they can come to some conclusions as to what goes on in this "church". They can probably easily conclude that the benches are used for sitting; if they are not familiar with religion, then the cross and portrait of Mary would be more tough, but they can easily make a logical and reasonable conclusion based on what they have, for example, perhaps they think it is some artwork or exhibit? Granted, this is still a very wrong answer, but still closer than analyzing wood and planks. I'm not saying that being close enough is just as good as being right; far from it, being close enough is really still frustratingly lacking. But nevertheless, the analogy should properly be portrayed as, "If you found a cross, a picture of Mary, and a couple of benches, but you had no idea what the cross and Mary mean, how would you interpret it? ...This is the way us humans interpret the function of Neurons relative to the entire brain. It makes sense to them, but not to us."

I hope this makes some sense.



My bard reached level 99 two days ago! Though not a particularly remarkable event considering how easy it is to get 99 by hydroing or Biolabbing, the fact that I had to pretty much do it the old fashioned DS way due to my level 6 Magic Strings made it a bit more tedious but the payoff was a bit more fun, at least. :D
The 99 party did not go quite as planned... whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to the opinions of my friend who took part in the party. :p We found GTB accidentally which caused a whole lot of problems until we finally got it under control...it would have been cool if I had MVPed and levelled, but that wasn't the case either... :/ well regardless I did level shortly after and got to 99. I suppose the good thing was that I didn't die during my 99 party, so all's well that ends well.
Now, the fun part!! Analyzing my stats at 99!!! YESSSSS

STR: 12 +12 (Extra points, used it so I can carry more arrows/loot)
AGI: 82+29 (Main method of defense; with this I can get full effect of IR even without Agi)
VIT: 1+3 (1 VIT FTW!!)
INT: 46+15 (A lot more int I thought I would be getting. :D SP Recovery still sucks though :( )
DEX: 99+51 (Self Explanatory)
LUK: 2+4 (An accident that turned out not too bad since I get 1 extra crit)

HP: 4918 (Not even 5k with Pupa armor on... >.>)
SP: 1048 (w/o bless... bwahaha over 1k SP :3)

Flee: 230 (w/Agi Up, enough to dodge Lolis... we all know how much they like to hit on me :p)
ASPD, with Conc Pot, Agi Up, and Soul Linked IR: 184 (Instrument), 189 (unequipped), 175 (Bow, doesn't get boost from IR ;o; )
Crit: 3 (13 with Gloria!!)
Def: 28 + 4 (lol >.>)
Atk: 282 + 25 (I just realized I still don't know the exact calculations for Attack :( )
Mdef: 0 + 61 (YES I'm protected from Magic!)
Hit: 251 w/bless (I CAN HIT ANYTHING well not really. *coughMVPSuperFleecough*)
Status Point: 0 (Yup, I used all of it :p)
Weight: 3060 (More arrows ftw!)

Finally, thanks to ALL for everyone's support! As far as I know no one really held any grudge or engaged in serious drama with me, and I'm grateful for that. I would rather have 3 long years of levelling but fun rather than 6 months of horrid drama with speedy (boring) hydro levelling. People from TL, People from Niff, Allies from WoE, Ixis, and Spats were all very helpful in supporting and helping me 99!

...This almost sounds like the end of an Anime season XD Well in a way it is, coming next season: EngiMatikul, Transcend! :O


Welcome to NHK

My own personal opinion of the show was that I was frustrated throughout most of it. It's the first show I have seen that portrays pathological liars so well, and from it I can see that I would absolutely detest any pathological liar I would ever come across. Aside from that, the thematic nature of the story is rather admirable. Though the plotline moved around quite a bit and the ending was rather anticlimactic, the one point where Satou's illusions talk about admitting to one's own patheticness struck me as a very good moral for the theme. It also explains 90% of all the /b/tards on 4chan!!

Well, sort of.

Well regardless, its a decent series that I would suggest anyone to watch if they had nothing to watch. I only finished it probably because my friend wanted to get the entire series from me (I think he could only watch half before youtube stopped putting episodes up?) but I wasn't disappointed the series. The character designs are cute enough, as Misaki was the sole reason I started watching the show anyway :p The music is rather strange, EXCEPT for the first season ending: the piano portion at the beginning that plays for like 5 seconds, that part is AWESOME to me for whatever reason. :p
For the characters, all of them are developed, realistic, and interesting in their own way. Of course that doesn't mean I like the characters. After all, the main character is a pathological liar AND and an idiot, the class rep was mean and manipulative (don't like those types too), and the sempai has mental (or drug) issues. But other than that, the sempai was a pretty cool character, Yamazaki is eccentric, smart, and rather admirable in what he did to his crush, and Misaki is cute. Well, ok, not only cute, but I kind of like how they kept Misaki's story a mystery all the way until the end, and revealed her true past. That's probably one of the best developments in NHK, to basically save the main characters' stories till last (except for Satou, or course).
Hmm... SO unlike other shows I watch, this is a show I would suggest to "regular" people. Regular being someone that just wants to watch some good anime, not something so sickeningly cute that you feel like bouncing up and down after watching it. >.> Not that that happens to me, of course... nope not at all...


Winter Garden

Definitely the cutest holiday season show for 2006-2007 (better than Ittsudate My Santa). The artwork is spectacularly cute but more natural-looking versions of the previously over-moe-ed series DiGiCharat. It's very nice and I was extremely happy how this simple story played out in a rather cute and light-hearted fashion. There is still that element of randomness that Kobe Dono (is that her name?) puts in, but not the extreme degree that her four-panel DigiCharat comics usually come in (Laser Eye Beam, anyone?). Still, some allusions are quite entertaining, not to mention the utter complete kawaiiness of the entire show...
The plot, like I said, is short and simple. I could probably explain the whole plot in one sentence if it wouldn't be spoiling it for others who might want to watch it. The characters are lively and realistic; additionally, they are quite in contrast to their original persona as Digiko is portrayed much more shy while Puchiko said more in those two episodes than I have ever heard her talk in all the 4 panel comics I've seen of her combined. But some elements remain the same, such as Digiko's clumsiness and Puchiko's utterly ridiculous cuteness. And Puchiko works at McDonalds.
Um regardless. The music is rather slow for my tastes, except for the ending song which is cool. I think that though the season is over, this is definately one awesome show to watch if anyone frequents /c/ on 4chan.


Well I went through 125 posts before realizing that after that, all my posts basically classify into the "Random" label and seeing how it would be pointless to label "Random" to another 50 posts, I'll just declare here that anything dated in 2003 or older is now officially classified as "Random", unless I deem it otherwise.
This is a random post.


As all of you probably noticed, I have horrific formatting for my blog and I was just too lazy to change it since I'm like "it works, they can read it" and go off to do something else like play RO. But since I'm stuck at lab and my advisor isn't here, I have nothing else to do but try and clean this up... I think I somewhat have it now, although it doesn't look that great on IE7 and the new Firefox (I think, I arranged everything according to the old version of Firefox but I remembered in the new one my blog looked crappy too) But I think its better than before. I think. My CSS scripting is limited... >.>
All that's left is that stupid annoying blog link on the bottom of the righthand sidebar. pft >.>