
The "Instrument" Story of Engi, in IM + RPGwannabe format

I apologize for the length and excessive... excess stuff. This is mostly just to keep it somewhere, anyway, and not really for anyone to read. If this person ever makes a nicer story version out of this, then I'll post that for everyone to read. It would sure be a helluvalot better than this. :p

iatentdead: have you ever considered making an rpg?
TheMysteriousBox: I have a plethora of ideas
iatentdead: *is too lazy to*
TheMysteriousBox: but I never make them
TheMysteriousBox: not necessarily becuse i'm lazy, more because I know I probably wouldn't keep it up
TheMysteriousBox: that, and I lack BSing skills
iatentdead: im just afraid to start it and then lose interest
TheMysteriousBox: lol
TheMysteriousBox: I thoguth for a while that if you ever watned to start an rpg
TheMysteriousBox: I could give you ideas
TheMysteriousBox: and you can bs on it
iatentdead: LOL
iatentdead: it would be
iatentdead: and
TheMysteriousBox: hey it would work :p
iatentdead: wait for the next RPG downtime
TheMysteriousBox: yup
iatentdead: right now the forum is 'booming'
TheMysteriousBox: want to know some ideas anyway :p
iatentdead: sure
TheMysteriousBox: I had them floating around in my head anyway
TheMysteriousBox: although some of them need some fitting into RPG, but I could figure something if I really thought about it
TheMysteriousBox: or maybe you I don't know
TheMysteriousBox: one has to do with instruments that transform into weapons, and mainly came from a char I had made up a while ago
TheMysteriousBox: the general plotline went something like
TheMysteriousBox: in one "universe" or dimension, there's been a phenomenal discovery on making "minidimensions" that act like little universes on their own
TheMysteriousBox: and people could watch them like they watch TVs
iatentdead: o.o
iatentdead: *making* universes?
iatentdead: anyone could do this?
TheMysteriousBox: however people began to suspect that peopel are developing ways to travel and move into these kind of dimensions, and even "storing" things
TheMysteriousBox: no not anyone
TheMysteriousBox: more like
TheMysteriousBox: only one laboratory
TheMysteriousBox: has that technology, and its top secret
TheMysteriousBox: but anyway, people are beginning to think they're doing thing more than just watching dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: but instead "storing weapons" so to speak within them
iatentdead: so this labis evil
iatentdead: lab is*
TheMysteriousBox: no
TheMysteriousBox: not really, the lab people are actually good guys I think :x
TheMysteriousBox: but it makes for a cool plotline anyway
TheMysteriousBox: anyway its the government that's evil
TheMysteriousBox: and wants the weapons for themselves
TheMysteriousBox: so they kill all the lab people and try to get access to the dimensions, but can't
iatentdead: they're the ones spreading the evil rumours?
iatentdead: but there are survivors rom the lab
iatentdead: or close relations
iatentdead: who want to know the truth
TheMysteriousBox: yes
iatentdead: from*
TheMysteriousBox: well its a bit complicated
TheMysteriousBox: because the stories actually revolve around the people inside the dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: and less around the dimension that created them
TheMysteriousBox: let me tell you more
TheMysteriousBox: one character, a daughter of one of the lab professors (of course, I know, very cliche)
TheMysteriousBox: was the lats one to be killed
TheMysteriousBox: and how she was killed was rather unique
TheMysteriousBox: imagine this large weird machine in the center of the lab
TheMysteriousBox: and it has like, a globe with a bunch of screens that show different dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: when she got shot and died, she fell like, into that globe place
TheMysteriousBox: and as she did, her blood sort of like, "flowed weirdly" into the globey thingy
TheMysteriousBox: and became something like doves made of light
TheMysteriousBox: now the characters, and what they exactly do
iatentdead: so shes *in* the dimensions? o_O
TheMysteriousBox: yea, she sorta flowed into the dimensions
iatentdead: in different guises
iatentdead: in each one theres a differnt type of her
TheMysteriousBox: actually I wanted only one
TheMysteriousBox: so maybe just one dove thingy :x
TheMysteriousBox: is anything weird or unclear right now?
TheMysteriousBox: well ok
TheMysteriousBox: the whole thing is werid
TheMysteriousBox: but unclear?
iatentdead: i thought you were going to do something with lots of her in lots of different dimensions
iatentdead: hats about it
TheMysteriousBox: maybeeee something like that
TheMysteriousBox: but about the dimensions and the characters
TheMysteriousBox: each character, if you haven't figured out, has an instrument
TheMysteriousBox: that they can play unusually well for their dimension
iatentdead: WHOO AIR GUITAR
TheMysteriousBox: apparently this instrument is actually
iatentdead: ...sounds a bit like a band RPG though
TheMysteriousBox: the weapon that they designed
iatentdead: 'they'?
TheMysteriousBox: lab ppls
iatentdead: they designed one for each dimension?
TheMysteriousBox: one reason they designed them as instruments is, well, if you have an unusual huge scary superweapon in a dimension, it would be... odd
iatentdead: but why disguise as an instrument?
iatentdead: i mean
iatentdead: it could be a
iatentdead: pencil
TheMysteriousBox: and its more like, two per dimension
TheMysteriousBox: it could be, but imagine how much more complicated
TheMysteriousBox: it would make things as an RPG, and plus, instruments are cool
iatentdead: "stylistic reasons"
TheMysteriousBox: exactly
TheMysteriousBox: people tend to think instruments and music as being somewhat mystical in a way
iatentdead: we'd need a bassist, a percussionist, a lead guitarist
TheMysteriousBox: I was thinking more orchestra :x
TheMysteriousBox: in any case
iatentdead: would there be 'microphones' for lead vocalists
TheMysteriousBox: one of things I really wanted to emphasize most about it was the dimensions themselves
TheMysteriousBox: each char (or two) would come from a dimension with a completely different background
TheMysteriousBox: and an instrument that would fit that background
iatentdead: since these dimensions are made, it would have been made from the whim of the lab ppl wouldn it?
TheMysteriousBox: ah you're touching upon another point
TheMysteriousBox: that I was going to make later
TheMysteriousBox: all the character that would participate
TheMysteriousBox: and are weilders of the wapons
TheMysteriousBox: are clones of the lab people
TheMysteriousBox: technically this would not be known
TheMysteriousBox: until later in the RPG
TheMysteriousBox: so they're designed after themselves
iatentdead: OOH I KNOW
iatentdead: they could
TheMysteriousBox: and in a way, the RPG would progress so that they learn more about their counterpart
iatentdead: who the lab people really wanted to be
TheMysteriousBox: yea
TheMysteriousBox: that too
iatentdead: fragments of dreams
TheMysteriousBox: its who they dreamed
TheMysteriousBox: they wished they were
iatentdead: *insert romantic philosophical stuff here*
TheMysteriousBox: I really did want it to be along those lines
iatentdead: tagline: "remember some of your dreams?"
TheMysteriousBox: now when you think about it
TheMysteriousBox: that girl that I was talking about that dies
TheMysteriousBox: she has a clone too
iatentdead: the dove?
TheMysteriousBox: yes
iatentdead: would that clone be extra special in any way
TheMysteriousBox: supposedly, yes
TheMysteriousBox: first off
TheMysteriousBox: the dove in itself
TheMysteriousBox: sort of provides a key
TheMysteriousBox: that allows the people who have the instruments
TheMysteriousBox: to move from dimension to dimension
TheMysteriousBox: so the dove kind of have to meet up with them in order for them to move
iatentdead: so the dove is the clone
TheMysteriousBox: no :p
iatentdead: its a clone in dove form?
TheMysteriousBox: the dove is the original's spirit
TheMysteriousBox: the clone is in another dimension
TheMysteriousBox: and looks exactly like the original before she died
iatentdead: but
iatentdead: what would these clones do
iatentdead: how would they get into the 'maker's' dimension
TheMysteriousBox: well one of the reasons the dove wants to warn them
TheMysteriousBox: is because they're kind of like after these guy's weapons
TheMysteriousBox: a little more on the weapons
TheMysteriousBox: the character that has the weapon
TheMysteriousBox: they could have discovered their power already
TheMysteriousBox: or it could ahve still been innate
TheMysteriousBox: for thsoe who discoverd the power,they're something like superheroes
TheMysteriousBox: in their dimension
iatentdead: what happens if the government is watching all this >_>
TheMysteriousBox: which they probably are
TheMysteriousBox: they're trying to go after them though
TheMysteriousBox: that's supposedly where the plot I dunno, breaks down :p
TheMysteriousBox: theoretically its like you said
TheMysteriousBox: its supposed to be romantic, and have the chars discover their "true" selves
TheMysteriousBox: and then ponder about themselves, if they are just dreams and made up
iatentdead: so its mainly an introspection RPG
TheMysteriousBox: and that, everything they knew was fabricated
iatentdead: but those usually dont hold up very well
iatentdead: without a so called plot
TheMysteriousBox: its like, if you found out you're just part of a book, and taken out of the story
TheMysteriousBox: yup
TheMysteriousBox: which is why I said it needs work
iatentdead: at least half the cast would emo
TheMysteriousBox: obviously :p
TheMysteriousBox: it was more from a fanfic idea
iatentdead: just to be contrary i probably wouldnt -_-
TheMysteriousBox: but it was the one that fits more appropriate
TheMysteriousBox: to an RPG
iatentdead: ngrrrh
iatentdead: do you know
TheMysteriousBox: I mean, you kinda read my THomas story
TheMysteriousBox: I think :x
TheMysteriousBox: do I know?
iatentdead: yeah, a bit of it
iatentdead: do you know about weasel's Nexus RPG
iatentdead: its another RPG with dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: the one she advertised? :p
iatentdead: only its a straight up 'dungeon crawler' type
TheMysteriousBox: I was really thinking about doing something aside from dimensions
iatentdead: you could maybe combine yours with hers
iatentdead: yah
TheMysteriousBox: because it made things 100000millionx complicated
TheMysteriousBox: if you tell her my idea, maybe :P
iatentdead: especially making em and how to get in and out and etc..
iatentdead: i was a bit worried about ehrs
iatentdead: like, how to get things continues
iatentdead: continued*
TheMysteriousBox: RPG FUSION!!
iatentdead: since the current premise is... dungeoncrawler
TheMysteriousBox: but yea, things with plotlines are hard with multiple characters
TheMysteriousBox: like, the story I have for Thomas
TheMysteriousBox: wouldn't work
iatentdead: yeah
TheMysteriousBox: because I don't know how the chars would play out
iatentdead: you'd have to get
iatentdead: people who'd play exactly like you want them to
TheMysteriousBox: I have another idea but it was less original
iatentdead: thats why need lots of discussion ><
TheMysteriousBox: its still rather fun though :p
iatentdead: and a set number of players
iatentdead: what idea
TheMysteriousBox: it involved elements :p
TheMysteriousBox: and basically
iatentdead: ack~
iatentdead: xD
TheMysteriousBox: combining elements to make new ones XD
TheMysteriousBox: the general idea was
TheMysteriousBox: There are the (lame) four main elements
TheMysteriousBox: and they combined their power sort of
TheMysteriousBox: to make 6 "new" elements
TheMysteriousBox: that had unique powers
TheMysteriousBox: and they could combine their power too to make a lot more
TheMysteriousBox: and 2nd generation is rather interesting
TheMysteriousBox: 1st generation is the lame fire,water, wind, earth
iatentdead: how would you combine?
TheMysteriousBox: 2nd generation is life, ice, electricity, steel, sand, and
TheMysteriousBox: oh right
TheMysteriousBox: steam
TheMysteriousBox: or mist
TheMysteriousBox: life = water + earth
TheMysteriousBox: ice = wind + water
TheMysteriousBox: sand = earth + wind
TheMysteriousBox: mist = water + fire
iatentdead: right, but who'd represent these elements
iatentdead: or combine em
TheMysteriousBox: the story I had goes like
TheMysteriousBox: there are four main elemental guardians that picked for hosts
TheMysteriousBox: now the guardians are fighting against each other for this competition
TheMysteriousBox: conveniently the competition allows them to beat up "monsters" in the world so they're actually saving the world
TheMysteriousBox: but they're kind of collecting the power from the monsters so that in the end they can battle each other for some prize
TheMysteriousBox: ok where do the 1st generation come in?
TheMysteriousBox: as cheesey as it sounds
TheMysteriousBox: whenever two main guardians are in conflict
TheMysteriousBox: and do some kind of powerful attack
TheMysteriousBox: it has a chance of mixing together and forming into a person that happens to be nearby
iatentdead: so the 'person' is actually the entity
TheMysteriousBox: yes and becomes the new element thingy
TheMysteriousBox: this is remarkably cheesey, BUT in an RPG standpoint
TheMysteriousBox: it would bekinda intesesting
TheMysteriousBox: because you can have four main element people to be determined
TheMysteriousBox: but then the rest 6
TheMysteriousBox: will be determined as the RPG goes along
TheMysteriousBox: rather than having people pick which element they are
TheMysteriousBox: the only way they can kinda get the element they want is to be closely related to the host
TheMysteriousBox: or two, of one that they want
TheMysteriousBox: even then its still all up by chance, and plotline
TheMysteriousBox: however, I must admit, this is a cheesey way of getting a new power :p
iatentdead: and you'd need lots of people..
iatentdead: actually ive been wondernig
TheMysteriousBox: I didn't plan
TheMysteriousBox: for the 2nd generation to actually work
iatentdead: how do successful rpgs end :o
TheMysteriousBox: but I was busy trying to make one anyway
iatentdead: cos
iatentdead: its either you have a plot, but so many people in your rpg you can't keep a handle on it
iatentdead: or so few people, you cant really get on with the RP
iatentdead: although its theoretically possible to finish an RP with 3/4 players
TheMysteriousBox: in terms of the element RPG, it could actually work as the four main elements, given that they're actually devoted
iatentdead: (which is how most of them finished)
TheMysteriousBox: and the others can be side chars
iatentdead: what about the uh 6 other people
TheMysteriousBox: they can be side chars, OR
TheMysteriousBox: they can prove to be someone major
TheMysteriousBox: its of course up to them
iatentdead: the instrument one is more interesting though
TheMysteriousBox: yea
TheMysteriousBox: I like my instrument thing
TheMysteriousBox: helluva complicated htough
iatentdead: its not too bad, though I think people like Roy will have problems digesting it
iatentdead: good, since it means he wont join
iatentdead: its just the plot thing
TheMysteriousBox: well isolate him in a single dimension if that's the case
TheMysteriousBox: at first I'd have hope that maybe something like
TheMysteriousBox: the government does something so that it disrupts all their dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: and work from there
TheMysteriousBox: dunno how that would work either though
TheMysteriousBox: this would work awesomely as an anime if I had lived in japan :-(
iatentdead: we'd need government players
iatentdead: submit it to kyoto animation >D
TheMysteriousBox: no I'd have to write a book about it and have it be the #1 top hit in japan first
iatentdead: with moe illustrations
TheMysteriousBox: of course the central dove char and her clone will be moe
iatentdead: yes
iatentdead: its a requirement
iatentdead: in any case, it makes for better graphics
iatentdead: i'm surprised, haruhi isnt a really moe character
TheMysteriousBox: she's tsundere
iatentdead: its nagato and mikuru that are the moe spinoffs
iatentdead: i like tsunderes, they're funny ^^;;
TheMysteriousBox: hummm
TheMysteriousBox: silly tsunderes
iatentdead: are there any tsunderes in kanon
TheMysteriousBox: Kawasumi Mai, and Makoto
TheMysteriousBox: would probably classify most
TheMysteriousBox: on a few more notes about the instrument thing (yes I thought about it probably way too much)
TheMysteriousBox: the instruments themselves, sort of represent what weapon they make
TheMysteriousBox: although obviously this is imposible for every instrument, I kinda thought they would have some linkage
TheMysteriousBox: ideas that I thought up were that, the Keys of a piano would represent different daggers; a violin with its bow is like a sword a shield; an electric guitar is like a photon ray gun :p
TheMysteriousBox: and somehow a drum bass set turns into this gundam mech thing
TheMysteriousBox: but that really needs a lot of imagination and some of my ideas probably don't make sense to you :p
iatentdead: o.o
iatentdead: the piano one is ok
iatentdead: but i thought a violin would be a
iatentdead: bow
iatentdead: and arrows?
iatentdead: flute = blowpipe
TheMysteriousBox: hmm
TheMysteriousBox: violin can be bow and arrow too
TheMysteriousBox: or maybe something a cello :p
TheMysteriousBox: actually the wepaon type
TheMysteriousBox: also is determined by what dimension they come from
TheMysteriousBox: so you're not going to get like
TheMysteriousBox: a photon cannon in a roman/greek era dimenison
iatentdead: you mean its like
iatentdead: japanese dimension
iatentdead: tribal dimension
iatentdead: alien dimension
iatentdead: etc
TheMysteriousBox: yup
TheMysteriousBox: I had a plotline sort of
TheMysteriousBox: my plotline had my character with the piano, the character's sister which had violin
TheMysteriousBox: in the 1700 england classical era dimension
TheMysteriousBox: another character that had electric guitar and bass drums in a futuristic and technologically advanced dimension
TheMysteriousBox: and then a character with a flute and a char with a harp
TheMysteriousBox: the flute turned into a staff, while the harp was one of those stringy weapons
TheMysteriousBox: that people weild and like, cut things up with using invisible strings :x
TheMysteriousBox: anyway that was something like a medievil dimension
iatentdead: *is imagining erhu and guzhen in chinese dimension*
TheMysteriousBox: who what?
iatentdead: erhu is a chinese cello i think..
TheMysteriousBox: oh those weapons
TheMysteriousBox: eer
iatentdead: guzhen is a chinese i dunno what
TheMysteriousBox: instruemnts >.>
iatentdead: it sounds like guitar
TheMysteriousBox: yea I knwo waht you're talking about
TheMysteriousBox: lol I saw a chinese martial arts movie
TheMysteriousBox: where there was some mystical demon girl that used one as a weapon XD
iatentdead: my mom wanted to play guzhen once, and erhu i learnt from listening to a Do as Infinity song >.<
TheMysteriousBox: zomg she plucked things and circly projectile things flew out!
iatentdead: did you watch kung fu hustle?!
iatentdead: was that kung fu hustle?
TheMysteriousBox: I dunno, it was some other show :x
TheMysteriousBox: my parents were wtaching it
TheMysteriousBox: I don't think it was kung fu hustle because it was like,a serious martial arts
iatentdead: awww
TheMysteriousBox: although the instrument thing was funny
iatentdead: i cant watch serious ones
iatentdead: boring
iatentdead: condor heroes was ok but that was cos it was a bit funny
TheMysteriousBox: I have like, 0 knowledge on chinese martial arts, even though my parenst watch it all the time
TheMysteriousBox: but then again they know nothing about anime, so it fits
TheMysteriousBox: haha, so just to finish up on the instrument thing, I got the idea when I somehow wanted to imagine a fight scene whenever I listend to a song
TheMysteriousBox: any song :x
TheMysteriousBox: and it kinda works in my weird brain
iatentdead: you know, if this was an idea for an anime, it would be really cool
iatentdead: each episode would be featuring a diferent song
iatentdead: though lack of vocals is a bummer
TheMysteriousBox: yes, I seem to make
TheMysteriousBox: a lot of ideas for anime
TheMysteriousBox: probably because I watch too much
TheMysteriousBox: but with my position, I can't really do much to progress D:
TheMysteriousBox: btw
TheMysteriousBox: the whole dove girl
TheMysteriousBox: her "weapon" is supposed to be her voice
iatentdead: boom vocalist!
TheMysteriousBox: yup :p
iatentdead: i'm a sucky plot-maker, im only good at finding out things that are wrong with other people's plots LOL
TheMysteriousBox: her story in her dimension is, strangely enough, she's an android that can feel things
TheMysteriousBox: like, chii!
TheMysteriousBox: from Chobits!
TheMysteriousBox: or any other anime that generically has an emotional robot
iatentdead: GITS?
iatentdead: though that was a human brain in a robot
TheMysteriousBox: GITS?
iatentdead: ghost in the shell]
TheMysteriousBox: oh
TheMysteriousBox: I never watched that :p
TheMysteriousBox: but you know the genre
TheMysteriousBox: but it comes from only one dimensions
TheMysteriousBox: so its ok
TheMysteriousBox: other dimensions are other cliches of other anime
TheMysteriousBox: like, a magical girl dimension
iatentdead: ugh... roy
iatentdead: and an Edo-era dimension
iatentdead: frankly though I'd pinch the erhu idea and go for a kungfu dimension
TheMysteriousBox: yea kung fu
TheMysteriousBox: or samurai
TheMysteriousBox: lol
TheMysteriousBox: roy in a magical girl dimension
TheMysteriousBox: ROTFL
iatentdead: he would so love it
iatentdead: ...its a bit worrying
iatentdead: considering he has a girlfriend (apparently)
TheMysteriousBox: he does? that's new
TheMysteriousBox: I thoguht he broke up
TheMysteriousBox: its ok
TheMysteriousBox: if he becomes problematic like I said
TheMysteriousBox: isolate him in some random dimension
iatentdead: dont think he'd join though
iatentdead: the plot is not straightforward enough
TheMysteriousBox: hmm thinking
iatentdead: you could maybe run it as an RPG till that 'truth' about the clones is revealed, and then finish it and ask people if they wanna fanfiction the epilogue
TheMysteriousBox: except I'd never write the fanfic D:
iatentdead: make them write their own epilogues!
TheMysteriousBox: LOL
iatentdead: it would be a sequel
iatentdead: some would be too emo to continue
iatentdead: so BYE BYE to them
TheMysteriousBox: that was supposed to be my main char's sister's role, to get all messed up and confused at the whole thing
iatentdead: although still have to think of a premise for the second part
TheMysteriousBox: and then somehow turn to the government's side
TheMysteriousBox: because evil things mess with emo people
iatentdead: "its better for all of us if i do this"
iatentdead: lblahblahblah
iatentdead: you could make them try to assimilate into the lab workers' families
TheMysteriousBox: something that was supposed to go along was
TheMysteriousBox: the sister character in the main dimension is actaully alve
TheMysteriousBox: and the main sister char can use the weapon just like the clone could
TheMysteriousBox: btw the clone sister eventually was in some kind of mind control zombie state after a while :p
TheMysteriousBox: so that's the reason for it, anyway
iatentdead: maybe the lab worker never told his sister he made a 'perfect' version of her
TheMysteriousBox: well obviously she wasn't perfect
TheMysteriousBox: but I kinda imagined the two sisters to be rather contrasting despite being clones
iatentdead: MAN THE ANGST
TheMysteriousBox: the cloned sister, coming from like a historical background, would be all pretty with a nice dress and stuff
TheMysteriousBox: the original I thought more had a tomboyish and tsundere look :p
TheMysteriousBox: the instrument thing I always imagined as being rather angsty
TheMysteriousBox: its music, its emotion, music lives on angst half the time
iatentdead: there's happy poppy music..
iatentdead: the clone is the lab worker's impression of his sister
iatentdead: poor, obsessed lab worker ><
iatentdead: is this a siscon thing?
TheMysteriousBox: NO IT ISN"T D:
TheMysteriousBox: dammit!
TheMysteriousBox: the character I think was attracted to the main dove girly
TheMysteriousBox: and happy poppy music would kinda fit roy, so maybe not
TheMysteriousBox: although it would work for cool battle scenes
TheMysteriousBox: maybe the sister thing was more of a "damn I wish I didn't work in this lab and had a peaceful life with my family" type thing
iatentdead: devoted brother
TheMysteriousBox: So anyway to add to the angst, the two guys from the future are brothers, and the younger brother (has electric guitar) has a crush on the sister
iatentdead: i can just see older devoted brother going STAY THE F*** AWAY FROM MY SISTER
TheMysteriousBox: he actually doesn't care too much :x
iatentdead: aw damn
TheMysteriousBox: although he might be alittle bit annoyed if some guy from the future with a whacked up hairstyle and looked rather dangerous
TheMysteriousBox: with a electric guitar ray gun
TheMysteriousBox: but its short lived :x
TheMysteriousBox: the older brother is a blatant cameo type character of Prof. Jb Wolf's old characters
TheMysteriousBox: so anyway its midnight, I shoudl sleep since I have class tomorrow
iatentdead: i should be doing work >_>
iatentdead: but its boring work..
iatentdead: prof does noble characters i think
TheMysteriousBox: if you ever feel like BSing something, I would be forever greatful if you made this buncha mess into something prettyish
TheMysteriousBox: noblish = honorable but stupid?
iatentdead: umm yah
TheMysteriousBox: yup I agree
TheMysteriousBox: I'm going to post this in my blog for convenience, any qualms?
iatentdead: wait till RPG downtime and we both have even less to do than we already have
TheMysteriousBox: as far as I know Roy doesn't read my blog
iatentdead: soemthing might grow out of this
iatentdead: he did mine once, it was scary
iatentdead: okles pokles go ahead and post it
iatentdead: and when we're both bored we'll get on with it

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