
English is vile.
Its not truly English. They call it English, but in reality its Literature Analysis. Why can't they just be direct and call it Literature Analysis? Hey, Math does that: There's Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, etc. Science has Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and so on. Even History has World, European, and US History. But English is just English. Not only that, but it's not even real English; its a bunch of works that happen to be in English or otherwise translated into English that we have to read and such. Symbolism isn't just in the English language, dangit; other countries use symbolism too. Heck, a person I know who just came from China a couple days ago doesn't know English very well enough to read long stories and poems, but I'm sure if she had a translation of the novel and the questions, she would be able to do them just as well as a high honors class student.
English is misnamed and useless. I learned the language English already. I really have no use at all for Literature Analysis, I'm sorry.
Tables a vile too. But I'm too tired to deal with them really for today. I'm leaving it in this funny state until I feel like working on HTML again.

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