
Scrapped Princess

A darn decent show, I must say. Doesn't have enough to make it on "one my favs" list, but good show nonetheless. "Worthy of wasting your time on", as some would say.
The plot twists were incredible, and truly for the first half, maybe over a little, of the series you canNOT tell what's going on, or what's gonna happen in the next episode. I give it good points in that sense. But when you figure out the theme, its rather cliched. The emotional aspect of the show wasn't as strong as, say, FMwS or Stellvia in my opinion, but its enough to well... feel sorry for them.
And of course, humanity in this show in its overall clichedness is viewed a stupid worthless selfish beings (and no, I'm not a peacemaker). Ah, but I must admit that the battle scenes are one of the best I've seen yet! (That's not saying much; I don't watch a lot of fighting anime) The characters were also pretty cool, especially the Silencer and BUG tricks... THOSE ARE AWESOME!!! Beware of Engi's knotes, or keyboard knives; they shall now have some skills based off of those BUGs. :P

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