
Gunslinger Girls

Ah, this is a pretty good anime. Violent, but anime violence somehow is much milder than realistic movie violence, so it seems fine with me. A Mafia anime, which is something new (they're actually using Italian!), but what's more intriguing is the concept of their brainwashing, which, strangely enough, coincides nearly directly with my recent theory on whether the human mind is simple enough to be (sometime in the future) controlled my machines. Already I've been thinking it through, and apparently in Biopsychology, there are sections of the brain which control different functions... if it is possible to figure out how these sections work, it just may be possible to create an artificial device to control involantary junctions, like nerve recepting (pain), hormone distribution (emotion), and muscle control around places such as lungs and stomach. If that were possible... what would the possiblities be?
...Some people would see a character I've made: Ruby.
In any case, its been lingering in my mind. If I get it developed enough, I might post a little story on this blog based off this theory, and its side effects (emotional overcontrol and discrimination, mainly).
Ah yea, I adjusted the font so that PMA's mini-font can view it.

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